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Chapter 13 - Lovebirds


Cora found herself grumbling the next morning as she awoke. Rolling over in her bed as she stretched out. She'd changed the sheets the night before when the pair returned from the diner, and now combined with brand new pyjamas, Cora was more comfortable than ever. 


"Oi lovebirds!" 

Cora heard the gruff voice of Pops Merrill from downstairs as she heard the front door open. Looking over at her open bedroom door, Cora quickly flung herself out of the bed, running towards the door. Yet just as she left the bedroom, she saw Ace rushing out of his bedroom. 

"Ace that's-" 

But she didn't get a chance to finish her sentence as Ace came straight at her, wrapping his arms around her legs as he scooped her up, flinging her over his shoulder. 

"Ace! Cor-" Pops quickly spoke as his footsteps were coming up the stairs, seeing his nephew holding Cora over his shoulder. 

"Morning Pops, we um- weren't expecting you." Ace spoke awkwardly as he held onto Cora's legs, while she was still trapped over his shoulder, staring down at his back. 

"I can tell..." Pops muttered as he tried not to look at Cora's behind, that was unfortunately right next to Ace's head. "Look, can you just put her back down in your-" He paused to gesture at Ace's bedroom. "And then hurry up, we gotta go." 

Ace nodded quickly as he went into his bedroom. Cora could barely understand or process what was happening before she was thrown onto Ace's bed. 

"Do you mind?!" She snapped as she sat up on the bed looking at him. "And what the hell was that about? Picking me up like you're some kind of fireman." 

"Okay one, I panicked. Two, I'd look good as a fireman. And three-" Ace paused, holding up a hand as he had been counting on his fingers. "And three, that nightgown is really doing something." 

Cora looked down as Ace gestured up and down at her. Her short silk nightgown hanging off her.

"Anyone ever said you're a perv Ace?" She asked as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Ace nodded as he went to his wardrobe, searching for some fresh clothes. "Actually yes, you'd be surprised how much girls insult me." 

"Oh no don't worry I believe you." Cora mumbled, pulling up the blankets from Ace's bed to cover her legs and lower half as she was seemingly shuffling and getting comfortable on the bed.

"Can you do some washing today? I swear I had clean clothes in here somewhere." Ace muttered as he pulled out a shirt he wasn't fully sure if it was clean yet. 

Cora nodded as she let herself fall back onto the bed, pulling the blanket over her head as she wasn't up for watching Ace get changed.

"Hide all you like, you know I'm the hottest thing you've ever seen." Ace's voice was heard laughing as Cora just groaned. "Come on, I'm your husband." 

His Lady in White - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now