My condition?

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Chapter 17 - My condition?

"Now there are rules about staying at mine with me-" Billy had started to talk but was quickly cut off by Ace.

"Shut it Tessio." Ace quickly snapped as he followed Billy inside the house, carrying his bag and Cora's many bags.

Cora smacked Ace's arm. "Be nice."

Billy gave her a quick grin. "You two can stay in my parent's room."

Ace nodded as Billy half gestured for the pair to head upstairs. Ace, having been in Billy's house before led the way as Cora followed him, curiously looking about at the interior of the house.

The inside of the Tessio house was completely different to Ace's. It was clean and neatly arranged, with photos on the wall of various family members. Ace led the way into a perfectly clean master bedroom, a large double bed with multiple pillows in the middle.

Cora was silent as she looked about the room. A large vanity desk against one mirror as she slowly walked over, seeing various items of jewellery and make up neatly laid out over the silk cloth over the table. Mrs Tessio clearly looked after belongings.

"You okay there?" Ace finally broke the silence, having put their bags on the floor as he took a seat at the end of the bed.

Cora nodded as she turned back to him. "Still want to know why I have to technically spend my 'honeymoon' at your friend's house."

"Well I can't exactly afford a five star resort now can I?" Ace joked, forcing a small laugh.

"Very funny Merrill." She mumbled as she rolled her eyes, going over as she sat beside him on the bed.

"I need you to stay here for a bit, while I go out." He spoke as he turned to face her.


"I need to find my uncle."


Ace sighed. "Fucks sake do you always gotta be bugging me with questions? Can't you just accept it?"

Cora was silent as she looked down slightly.

Ace found himself sighing again as he shook his head slightly. "Look I'll see if Billy can get Connie to come over for a few hours, give you some company and I'll bring back some dinner."

However, Cora stayed silent as she kept looking down at her hands on her lap.

"I'll be back before you know it." Ace mumbled as he stood up, heading out the room, not wanting to say anything else that could upset her further.

Yet as he left the room, his eyes fell on the open doorway of Vern Tessio's room. The young boy stood somewhat frozen in the entrance of his bedroom, staring up at Ace.

"Upset her in any way and you won't wake up tomorrow." Ace spoke quietly but firmly as he pointed his finger at the child.

Vern had never nodded quicker in his life as he watched Ace walk off downstairs. A small whimper came from him as he turned back to his parents bedroom door, as Cora appeared, her eyes locked on him.

His Lady in White - Ace Merrillحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن