You first

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Chapter 6 - You first

"Have you ever seen a couple so in love?" Eyeball asked with a small laugh as he looked over at Ace and Cora sat on the couch.

Cora was sat one end, a massive grin on her face as she looked over at Ace, who was the exact opposite. He was sat slumped, a scowl on his face as he gave her a small glare.

"I'd ask if you were still coming to the bar tonight but something tells me I already know the answer." Billy mumbled with a small laugh, as a couple of the others laughed.

Ace's scowl disappeared as he looked between the other cobras before back at Cora. "Don't take the bar away from me..." He was seemingly about to beg.

Cora laughed and shook her head. "Course I wont take the bar from you. You can go to the bar whenever you want."

Ace immediately grinned as he stood up with the others. Yet Eyeball quickly put a hand on Ace's chest, stopping him.

"Hang on hang on, this isn't right..." He muttered as he looked between Ace and Cora.

"Dude... Irby's time... Don't do this to me..." Ace almost begged his best friend.

Eyeball shook his head at Ace before his eyes fell on Cora. "You're a sneaky little madam aren't you?" He asked curiously.

Cora shrugged as she shook her head. "I don't know what you mean. I'm saying Ace can go to the bar with you."

Suddenly Vince started shaking his head as he went to where Eyeball still had a hand on Ace's chest. The pair together began to push Ace back into the couch.

"Ain't falling for it, almost had us there." Vince laughed out as Ace began protesting.

Cora laughed as she stood up. "Honestly, Ace can go." She spoke before she looked at Ace. "You can go."

Ace gave her a nod before he once more tried to get up, but this time was stopped by not only Eyeball and Vince but Billy and Charlie too.

"It's a trap!" Charlie had even grown his own suspicions.

Ace looked at Cora as she shrugged, before walking out. Ace immediately let his face fall to where she'd been sat as he groaned out.

"I'm married!" His muffled cries came out as the others watched him helplessly.

"Technically you're fake married so your uncle will finally teach you the business." Charlie corrected as Jack smacked his arm.

"We'll see you later Ace." Billy tried to offer up some comfort as he reached out and lightly tapped Ace's shoulder, as if giving him a friendly pat.

Ace simply groaned out again as the others all joined in with Billy, in giving Ace comforting pats before they all slowly went to trail out.

"Enjoy married life buddy..."

"We'll meet you tomorrow after you've dealt with your uncle."

Ace only groaned out one final time as the other guys all slowly plodded out the house. Eventually after enough wallowing in his self pity, he pushed himself off his couch and let his feet drag his body into the kitchen.

His Lady in White - Ace MerrillDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora