You bit me!

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Chapter 8 - You bit me!

"So what else is there?" Cora asked with a sigh as she shuffled on the sofa slightly. "How else should we prepare to act like a married couple?"

Ace couldn't help yet another smirk appearing on his face as he tilted his head to look up at her. instantly Cora's left hand pulled from his as she smacked his chest.


"Oh come on! You have no idea what I was going to suggest!" Ace tried to defend himself.

"It was something relating to me being naked and on my back in your bed." Cora tried to speak in a matter-of-fact way.

Ace paused for a moment, looking down before back up at her. "Well now it does."

"Still no."

"I was thinking at least a kiss, no-one usually watches a married couple in bed, unless you're into that." Ace mumbled, shuffling as he leant his head back against her again, his fingers returning to fiddling with hers as his eyes seemed focused on the ring on her finger.

Cora wanted to argue but she couldn't, technically he was right. Couples did occasionally kiss in front of other people. "Okay so we can kiss in front of other people."

Ace immediately sat up and faced her. "We can?"

Cora nodded. "You're right, if we're pretending to be married, the odd kiss here and there in front of people does somewhat make sense."

Ace quickly nodded. "You're good with that? You have kissed a boy before right?"

She nodded again. "Course I have."

His eyebrow raised as he stared at her blankly, almost in disbelief.

"I have kissed a guy before."

"Okay okay, kiss me right now." Ace commanded as he shuffled more to face her on the couch, gesturing at his face. "Kiss me."

Cora paused, like her brain couldn't compute what he'd told her to do.

"What are you waiting for? My lips ain't gonna kiss themselves, get yours on mine." He commanded again.

"Okay okay, don't nag me." Cora grumbled as she somewhat shuffled closer to him.

Their legs pressed up against each other as Cora took a small deep breath.

"Anytime today wifey." Ace mumbled with a small sigh himself.

"Alright damn, are you always this demanding with girls?" She let out a small huff as she looked up at him.

"You'd be surprised how much they actually like it." He gave her his traditional smirk. "Look it's just a little kiss, show me what you got."

Cora nodded, taking another small deep breath as she slowly let herself lean closer to him. Ace didn't move closer to her, wanting to see her go the full way. Cora continued to lean her head even closer as she gently shut her eyes before quickly pecking his lips and sitting back up straight.

Ace remained still as his eyes flicked around. "Was that it? Did you actually kiss me?"

"That was a kiss!" Cora tried to defend herself.

His Lady in White - Ace MerrillWhere stories live. Discover now