Chapter 34: Lusni Khavarum

Start from the beginning

Toby: "Again? Oh, yeah. Cidade..."

Liv: "That earth bending son of a bitch is gonna get it someday!"

Luke: "Well... I say Peeps don't attack other Peeps."

Liv: "Okay."

Luna: "Eh?"

Liv: "The Shadow Prince is down, by the way! He got his ass handed to him! Hyahahaha!"

Luna: "We uh... Were kinda depending on him, and now he's out for the count... Man, why can't Tezuka just let go of Tyler? We could really use his-"

Toby: "Ay. I'm sure Tyler's trying his best to calm her down. She's a hard one to read."

Luke: "T-That's true."

The dragon roars in the sky once more. Something's aggravated it.

Luna: "Eep!!!"

Toby: "Watch out, we're fucked!"

Luke looks up towards the dragon. He sees plasma being shot towards it. He looks for the source, and he spots Hanako, standing alongside the mech.

Luke: "Eh?! Hanako!?! What is she doing?!?"

Hanako extends her hands forward, and she points them under the mech. She starts to form a big bubble of plasma underneath it.

Luna: "Ahh! What is she doing?!"

Liv: "I have no idea, but it looks completely stupid and fun!"

Hanako jumps into the mech. She pours her mana into it's core, and she shouts.


The plasma underneath her mech springs down like a trampoline, and then it sends her flying towards the dragon.

Luke: "HANAKO!!! NOOO!!!"

The mech hits the dragon dead on. It's wing gets heavily damaged, but at the cost of the mech becoming destroyed, with Hanako still inside. The rubble from the mech falls down alongside the dragon.

Toby: "No..."

The dragon hits the ground. The area around them rumbles quite heavily, and a lot of dust and dirt flies everywhere.


She runs off towards the dragon, nobody stops her in time.

Luke: "Crap..! I'm going after-"

Luna grabs Luke.

Luna: "Wait."

Luke stares at Luna.

Luke: "H-Hon! Now isn't a good time! I need to make sure they're-"

She keeps hold of his shoulder. He looks around in a panic.

Toby: "Luna? What the hell are you-"

Slorethro: "Get back here guys! It's not safe this way!"

Shizune: "Dragon bad! Safety good! Jeez, how the hell do you babysit..!?"

Faith: "Hope!!! Daddy's back!"

Hope: "YAY!!! DADDY! DADDY!!!!"

Luke: "Girls?"

The twins run up to Luke, they're both holding some sort of huge weapon.

Toby: "Woah woah woah!  What the hell is that cool looking thing?!"

Hope: "A gun! A gun! We made it in 20 minutes!"

Faith: "It's rushed, but we're pretty sure it works!"

Shizune: "Uh... Kids? I'm not gonna lie. I have no hope for this weapon. I think this is a bad idea."

Luna: "Have you seen that mech, Sis?"

Shizune: "Yeah. Tyler must've made that, right? Tell him I-"

Luna: "The kids made it."

Shizune seems surprised.

Slorethro: "Well! As the legendary swordsman. I will hold no rejections to this er..?"

Faith & Hope: "Stormbreaker!!!"

They drop it onto the floor, and they grin at the three.

Slorethro: "Man... So uh, how does this thing work?"

Faith: "No idea! I was just gonna give it to daddy."

Hope: "He'll figure something out, maybe!"

Luke picks up Stormbreaker. It's fairly heavy.

Luke: "How the hell did you kids carry this all the way here?"

Hope: "We're super strong! Hehehe!"

Slorethro coughs. 

Toby: "Hmm... Did you help them in some way, clown?"

Slorethro: "Well... Being a legendary swordsman means that I have to become a legendary hero too. Meaning I have to do little acts such as lifting that gun up with my wind powers to ease the weight for the kids."

Shizune: "My idea, by the way."

Faith: "Boo! You're lying! I'm strong, I swear!"

Luke: "Alright... I'll uh, see what I can do."

Luna: "Toby? What kind of bullets does this thing take?"

Toby: "Hm?"

He looks at Stormbreaker. He begins examining it.

Toby: "Give me a minute... I'll need to look at this."

Luke: "Okay. Say, Slorethro, Shizune?"

Slorethro & Shizune: "Yo!"

Luke: "We uh... Need you to go save Hanako. She might be seriously injured. She's by the dragon. If you find her, take her to Tyler. He's just over there."

He points in a direction.

Slorethro: "Aye aye! Leave it to the legendary duo!"

Shizune: "Yeah! We'll save Hanako, don't you worry!"

The duo run off. Faith and Hope tilt their heads.

Luke: "Oh, and you two can... err... Go to Tyler. He'll protect you."

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