Story idea**

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*You are Cupid but since this was a dream I had (/j I'm really bad with not-imagining a strong tall 🤩 person going through angst and having major trust issues 🤭🤭) I didn't want to mark you guys like this

TW I guess? I can be graphic sometimes

Experiments (For like 2 sentences because black out 🤭🤭)

Death 😜😜

Long story 🤩🤩

(Lesbian tag coming in check ✌️✌️For 2 sentences!)p

(Cupid has 2 personas, one of her soft self, and one of an arrogant strong ¿I can't explain? Self, she has 2 switches, serious, and humour/joking self, she has a ?3rd? One 😜 teehe)

 Lore! (I'll try to keep this simple)

There are 7 goddesses, 

Endroniya (Dendro) Dandelion (Anemo) Pyrsephen (Pyro) Geocyen (Geo) Crystoline (Cryo) Elecoine (Electro) And Cupid (Hydro)

each creating a archon (while humans were created by- ¿:?) 

Each archon had one gem type that if came in contact with them could kill them 

(Hydrolyte Dendrolyte Pyrolyte Geolyte etc) 

Cupid was different.. Instead of containing one power she had all of them..though..with a cost, without her staff (Header) She would have none. 

She had created Egeria.

Blood spilt in the land of celesta.. blue, light blue blood with tendrils of blue and white, Cupids blood.. her heart thumped as she stand there fallen on the ground in front of ¿:? 

a figure approached holding out her hand to the fallen figure 

She stood there with a determined look on her face matched with one of anger the seven oceans could not match

Endroniya was Cupids lover, a love so strong death could only break it

So it Indeed

Shattered it.

"What are you doing!?" she cried out "Why are you hurting her?" She faced ¿? "What did she do wrong in these angelic lands for you to do this, to paint blood on the white grass, to stain the life that this place is known for!" She said again, Cupid tried to push her away "No, please don't get in this, I don't want you to be hurt" 

that didn't stop her

"What did she do? Oh you young young apprentice, she has allowed a sin so big to be talked on the lands below that we created." "Now move, before you get hurt"


It happened in a blur the drawing of a sword that the dendro goddess would try protect her blood stained lover with, the one that would clatter to the floor, ¿? Drew a knife made out of dendrolyte, as Cupid reached out to stop her..


A green spill of blood tangled with the blue, Cupid desperately holding her while she could only mutter "Do what you think it right, sacrifice will have a toll on the world great, deaths are never in vain my dear"

𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐏𝐒𝐘𝐂𝐇𝐎Where stories live. Discover now