Hook up

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Lover's POV :

The party was still in a few hours so I had some time to relax. Eventually I got bored of watching Instagram so I was just sitting on my bed staring at my ceiling, though it wasn't so peaceful considering 1989 and Midnights were in the room next to me, enjoying themselves.

While trying to block out the sounds with my thoughts an idea struck my mind. I quickly sat up and laid back on my rug to look under my bed.

« Ahh, there it is! » I squealed while dragging out my old guitar.

I used to play a few months ago but completely forgot about it.

I started to tune it since it had been a while since the last use and started strumming it while lightly humming. I wrote a few songs in the past, mostly love songs, but decided to play my favourite, daylight.


« And let it go, just let it go.. let it go~» I sang while playing the last few cords on my guitar.

" you sing beautifully" I hear Reputation say while leaning against the doorframe.

"Oh, uh.. I- uhm, didn't know you were there!" I responds flushed out of embarrassment.

" well that was amazing, did you write this song?" She says while sitting back down next to me.

"Well, yes actually! I used to write some" I respond.

"You should start again, you compose really well." She replies staring into my eyes smiling .

I look back at her without responding being lost in her stare. Her eyes are a perfect shade of blue with a darker lining around it. She has black eyeliner and mascara that compliments them

"Will you just kiss me already!?" I say.

Oh no, did I really say that out loud?? Oh god.

But before my thoughts can over come my mind I feel her lips connect to mine. Tasting her once again, along with her chapstick, cherry flavoured.

We part and she stares into my eyes once again.

« you're gorgeous" She tells me.

" I- uh uh, thank you! » -L

" Oh I'm sorry, was this okay?" -R

"Oh no, it's fine..! Uhm what did you come in here for?" -L

« I have a question I've been wanting to ask you. » -R

« You can ask me anything!" -L

" I was just wondering.. what are w-" -R

"REPUTATION" 1989 says barging in.

" WHAT? Can't you see we're talking dumbass??" -R


"Well to be fair-" -R

"Well now I have even more bottles to hide! I'm running out of space!" -89

"You can always give me some, and how did you know I was here? » -R

« Well I went to your room first and- oh my god stop changing the subject! Just stop helping her get some, and no I'm not giving you it! » -89

Reputation sigh's before responding « alright whatever, can you go now?! »

Without answering she closes the door and I can hear her stomping back to her room.

« Sorry about.. that. » -R

« You're good, what were you going to say before she walked in?" -L

"Oh nothing, don't worry about it..!" -R

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