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Reputation's POV :

After throwing on a pair of light grey sweat pants, a spaghetti string black crop top and taking of my makeup I went back downstairs to find someone new at the front door.

« Hey guys I hope you don't mind I invited my friend, Poets. » Folklore said while greeting her friend.

« Hello. » Poets greeted us.

I could already tell she was one of those bookworms and strangely educated person just like Folklore, by the looks of her. But there was something off about her, I couldn't quite get my hands on what tho.

Everyone said hello and we all settled down. I, of course, was sitting next to lover, Folklore and Poets were next to each other talking, Debut Fearless and Speak now we're giggling to some jokes, 1989 and midnights probably making out in the corner of the couch and Evermore and Red flirting.

" Guys how about we watch Legally Blonde, I thought it sounded pretty good." Said  Lover.

" No I watched it too many times." Fearless spoke out.


Lover's POV :

After arguing back and forth everyone finally settled for White Chicks . I don't mind it but it's not one of my favourite shows, I will admit it is funny.

A few minutes into the show I really wanted something to eat and the only snacks were being guarded by Speak now and Fearless, and knowing these two, I wasn't even going to try and ask them.

" Hey, Rep, imma go get something to snack on you want anything? " I asked Reputation while taking off the blanket that was covering us. 

« Yeah sure Lov, can you grab me a chocolate bar, preferably with caramel in it? » she responded.

« Yeah sure no problem! » I said after getting up from under her arm.


Upon arriving in the pantry I crouched down to grab the popcorn bag that was in the bottom drawer. Gosh I don't know why we put the best snacks in the hardest places to find.

" Hello, Lover was it?" I hear an unfamiliar voice say.

"Oh hi, Poets right?" I respond the her trying to get my snacks.

"Here let me help you." She says while getting closer to me.

" Thank you." I said awkwardly walking to the other side of the pantry.

I grabbed a Caramilk bar for Reputation and was walking out when I felt her grab my wrist strongly.

" Going away so soon? You know we could do something while everyone is busy." She says while intensifying her grip.

" Can you let go please?" I whimper.

"Oh darling you know you want this." She told me with a grin while pushing me up a counter.

« Stop ! » -L

« You're going to need to be quiet for me baby. " she says into my ear before kissing my neck.

She's sucking hard and biting leaving marks. It doesn't feel good, but I'm not capable of anything.

« Please, stop! »

Lover what's taking so lo- what the fuck?" I hear Reputation say as she walks in.

" We're kinda busy here man, get out." Poets says raising her voice.

" What the fuck dude? Get off of her, she clearly doesn't want this." Reputation says while walking towards us with a frown.

Meanwhile, I'm frozen in place, I want to speak up, but with the intensity of her nails digging in my skin the only thing that comes out is a small scream.

Call it what you wantजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें