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Reputation's POV :

I woke up with a slight buzz in my head. « God, I'm seriously hungover again? » I thought. I rolled over to my bedside table to check the time. 1:37 pm. « Fuck it's already the afternoon » I say to myself while getting up. I put on some black sweatpants and a burgundy top before brushing my hair and doing a light makeup look. I hear a knock on my door and go to open it.

« Good morning Reputationnn » 1989 says before coming in without asking and laying down on my messy bed.

« what the fuck do you think you're doing » I say clearly annoyed

« Checking up on you, you got really drunk last night. Like REALLY drunk. » 1989 says trying to hold in a laugh.

« Yeah and I'm living the consequences of that right now.» I tell her.

I tend to get cringy when I'm drunk, so I try not to drink to much on party's, but I guess last night I drank a bit too much, which I'm not proud of. And also probably led to me doing weird shit again.

« Did anything happen last night? » I ask, since it's still all a blur.

« Well beside Eve and Red being caught making out not really , I think. But no promises, I was, well, busy most of the night. » she tells me, slightly blushing.

« 1989!!!!!! » we hear Midnight scream from the other end of the hallway.

« I think this is my cue to go, byee!! » 1989 quickly tells me before running off to her girlfriend.

I go back to my bedside table to grab my phone and check my notifications. 2 new messages from « Lover💞💞 ». I sit back down on my bed and check them.

L : Im going to get groceries anything specific you need?

L : Alright I'm at the check out, got you raspberry pie, your favourite!!

Thanks Lov, see you later! : Rep

Lover's POV :

Im driving back home when I see Rep's name pop up on my phone, I open it while I'm at a stop sing and instantly blush at the nickname. « Lov ? That's new » I think. Reputation has always been so sweet to me. Before we fully met, she always was distant and cold to me, but when you get to know her, she's just so sweet and perfect. We're just friends tho of course, but lately, every time she talks or touches me I feel different, and I know that I like her, Folklore keeps pointing out how obvious it is, but she doesn't feel anything for me. Just platonic love, right?

I pull into the driveway and open the trunk to get out the groceries, we were short on some essentials so I took one for the team and decided to go today. Before I can take one of the bags, I sense someone coming behind me.

« Hi Lover! » I hear Reputation say to me while taking 3 bags at a time.

« Oh hi Rep! And thank you by the way. » I awkwardly say while getting the rest of the bags and closing the trunk.


When inside, me and Rep are taking out the groceries while having small talk. I can't help but zone out and get lost in her electric blue eyes. She's so perfect, god I wish I could kiss h-

«  Lover, hello?? » she says which takes me out of my thinking session.

« Oh sorry, uhm, what did you just say? » I ask, kinda weirdly.

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