1: Much Awaited Meet

Start from the beginning

"Neither can I," I muttered suppressing my giggles. "All those fantasies are going to turn into reality." Just at that moment my phone rang, I sighed and received Dad's call.

"I have just reached," I informed him calming his anxious heart. "I met Siddhi and soon we are going to Zoya's place."

"Good!" Mom spoke from the other direction. "Take care and just call once you reach," she muttered before ending the call.

I smiled at Siddhi ending the call, "Let's go."

We both were dragging our respective suitcases out of the railway station. "Did Zoya mention who is going to pick us up?" I inquired, getting nervous about the human, most likely to pick us up.

"Bhai said he would come but I am not sure," Siddhi shrugged her shoulder as we reached the exit.

Our eyes roamed at the numerous taxis and autos parked around. "Why don't we pick one?" Siddhi suggested, "Bhai seemed busy when I called him. I even told him that we would manage on our own, why put extra pressure on him?"

As much as Siddhi's was sounding correct I knew, Faizal. "Why don't we just call him?" I suggested, "he might be already here... and he won't like the idea of him not able to welcome us."

I had heard about all the things he was going to do when we would meet the first time. Though he was a very practical guy but with me, he acted delusional. I had imagined our meet various time and often I had narrated it to him. Sometimes he just praised my imagination skills while at times added his views.

I dialed his number on seeing that Siddhi had provided me with a nod.

"Why the hell was your phone busy?" I was greeted with his frustrated-annoyed voice.

"Busy?" I frowned, sounding confused. Had he mistaken me for someone else?

"I called you so many times and you have been constantly talking to someone. I even called Siddhi if she heard anything from you. She told me, you hadn't contacted her from an hour. And now, her cell is switched off. How on the earth am I supposed to know if you're fine or not!" He groaned at the end; I couldn't help the smile popping on my face.

"What is it?" Siddhi inquired getting curious.

"I have reached Meerut. We both are waiting for you outside the station." There was silence, surely, he was pissed off. "Faizal?" I called him up.

"Zain must have arrived; he will drop you home." He informed after minutes of silence.

"And what about you?" I was silently disappointed. I wanted to see him. Glance at the face, that smile, listen to that voice in person no longer behind those screens.

"I have come to pick some relatives; I will reach home before dinner." My heart further broke into pieces. Why was God testing my limits? Hadn't I suffered enough! I had waited for three years to meet him! And yet I was forced for few more hours.

"Okay," I wasn't able to sound cheerful as I hang the call.

"What is it?" Siddhi was staring at me with curious orbs.

"Your cell is switched off and Zain is coming to pick us up."

"Who is Zain?" Siddhi inquired, as my orbs were searching for him.

"Zain is Faizal's cousin, Faizal had to pick a relative so..." I shrugged my shoulder leaving it incomplete.

"Thank God, I have you by my side. You know half of his relatives so we have less trouble."

"I know them doesn't mean they know us." I shook my head at her, "and you need to stop calling him bhai. Don't forget we are attending the wedding as Zoya's friend not as Faizal. He is a stranger to us," I recollected our situation to Siddhi.

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