11: Odd One Out!

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"Enough of your meaningless joke," Zoya groaned, pulling her arms around mine and dragging me along with her out of the bus. We had stopped to have dinner. A beautiful moon was shining up in the sky, bringing a beautiful smile on my face.

"She is enjoying my jokes; you might find it boring." Zain defended himself.

"Stop troubling her, bhai." Aahana scolded his brother. "You need to stop as Abu and Ammi aren't pleased with your behavior."

"The secret is..." he whispered in her ears. "They are never pleased with me, so I don't care." With those words he walked off.

"Don't mind him, Nivi." Aahana attempted to apologize, "he is just stupid. All those flirting is harmless." I blinked at her in assurance.

"No, I am not offended rather I find him cute." I assured her but someone else responded as he walked out behind us.

"Whom you don't find cute?" His voice was filled with sternness as he walked past us.

"What's wrong with him?" Aahana stared at his retreating figure with concern. "He is acting rude from morning..." she shook her head as she followed in his direction.

"Forget him," Zoya dragged both me and Siddhi towards a vacant table. "Let's have a time dedicated to us." She gestured us to grab a sit. "I have so much to talk to!" She sounded excited, "I had been so busy from past few days, I couldn't manage time to interact with you."

"Hi, Siddhi!" Zoya glanced at Siddhi. "I had heard a lot of things from bhai."

"Okay, I need to know, good or bad things?" Siddhi had a nervous smile playing on her lips.

Zoya laughed, "unfortunately, he did praise you. He considers you more mature than Nivi, though you are the younger one."

"I knew it!" I grumbled while Siddhi laughed.

"He loves irritating her," she came in his defend. "Thank you for inviting us to your wedding though we hardly know each other."

"I want to know you," Zoya's orbs moved from Siddhi to me. "He might not be that expressive but you both hold importance in his life. He had never introduced any of his friends on his own account. But he did with you," her orbs settled on me. "That's why I was curious to know about you." She passed me a warm-smile, "I know you both weren't welcome warmly in our family." She seemed disappointed with herself. "I apologize for it but I promise that you won't any longer be treated in the same manner."

"You don't need to do that..." Siddhi and I was going to oppose but she interrupted.

"We are friends, right? So, isn't it my responsibility that you feel wanted and belonged in my city? Among my family and friends?" She had a sweet smile playing on her lips.

"You didn't introduce me to your friend, Zoya." Came a masculine voice interrupting our conversation. We turned to find a guy, holding Azia in his arms. My entire attention was grabbed by Azia, who was staring at me with her sparkling orbs, as if she recognized me.

"I thought you will be as uninterested as your beloved wife."

"You can't mock my wife in front of me, Sali Sahiba," he faked a glare while passing us a friendly smile. "Namaste, I am his brother-in-law, husband of her elder sister and she..." he pointed at Azia, "she is..." before he could complete Azia interrupted.

"Caandu..." her arms were extended in my direction as if struggling to reach me. His father was staring at her with horror-written over his face.

"Did... she... just....?" Zoya almost choked on the water she was drinking, her orbs staring between me and Azia.

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