6: Crush V/s Love

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I rubbed my orbs in annoyance due to the noise that wasn't allowing me to grab some hours of sleep. I opened my orbs to find Siddhi struggling to search something in her luggage.

"What are you doing at such an hour?" Annoyance was quite visible in my voice. I had hardly gotten some hour of sleep.

"We are going on a city-tour..." Siddhi sounded excited, "I really want to see Meerut."

"That's cool! But why so early in the morning?" I rubbed my orbs, closing my orbs in need of more sleep.

"We don't want others to join us," she added. "So, I want to disappear before the house wake up." That grabbed my attention, I opened my orbs staring straight at her.

"Are you trying to keep me away from Faizal?" She ignored my question. "Siddhi, that will be rude. He won't admire us disappearing without letting him know about our plans."

"I won't mind upsetting him," Siddhi muttered. "I won't be able to see you heartbroken, if I do... I will end up hating bhai, and I don't want to do it." She sighed at the last statement, raising her head to glance at me. "You're aware about your importance in my life. Earlier everyone of you had being equal but later you grabbed much importance. You were always there for me, Nivi. I do treat you as a family, I won't ever be able to see you heartbroken. And if bhai will be reason behind it, I won't be able to stop myself for hating him because he provided you with that pain."

"And then you have the audacity to claim I am the most caring one," I rolled my orbs at her confession.

"Are you getting up or will I have to pull you out of the bed?" She faked a glare in my direction.

"I need some hours of sleep to function well for the day. I hardly slept last night." I pleaded as I closed my orbs in defeat. She didn't argue on the matter as she was aware about my love for sleep.


Due to my request for some extra sleep, we had ended up late according to Siddhi's plan. The entire house had wake up. Relatives were roaming at every corner preparing for the upcoming function. Siddhi had grabbed my hands in hers, we had planned to walk out of the house without coming into anyone's notice, by now we had succeeded in walking out of the first floor. By the time we reached the living area a voice called us up, halting us in our track.

"Hey, where are you two going at such an hour?" We turned to find Zain walking towards us with his friendly-smile.

"We just want to see around," Siddhi shrugged her shoulder.

"See around?" He sounded doubtful, "on your own?" He scanned for anyone accompanying us. "Had you ever been to Meerut, before?" He stared between us in suspiciousness.

"I am from Banaras," Siddhi attempted to defend herself. "It won't be that big of a deal."

"It is!" Zain rolled his orbs, "you can't trust a guide. Only locals know about the place and can help you with the tour than any tourist guide."

"We thought why to disturb anyone of you," I mumbled quietly. "None of you are free for it," at the exact moment someone called Zain's name.

"Zain! Had you ordered those flowers!"

"Yeah, just doing it!" Zain shouted in response.

"You have so much on your plates," Siddhi jumped in. "We don't want to trouble you. We can manage on our own..." Siddhi rushed and grabbed my hand. "Thank you, we do appreciate your concern regarding us."

The minute we turned we came face to face to Faizal. He was staring at three of us with a frown shaping on his face.

"Should I add any more dishes?" An older figure accompanying him asked him.

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