•||Chapter 7: Sentinel Mishap||•

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While they were not paying attention, they were getting surrounded by sentinels that were hungry and angry. N hears the growling and got startled and shot a sentinel with his hand gun. Uzi the noticed as well and didn't know what to do.

"Back!" Shirley Finch said, hitting a sentinel in the head with her tail.

Cyn was confused on what the hell was Shirley Finch doing.

"Your gonna get yourself killed, idiot" Cyn stated, annoyed.

"Whatever" Shirley Finch scoffed as she continues to annoy the sentinel.

N and Uzi sign in annoyance, they also focus on the sentinels. Cyn tries to pet a sentinel but got bit and Cyn was now angy. Cyn throws the sentinel to outer space. The sentinels were finally dealt with and they decided to keep moving so that way sentinels won't find their location again, N and Uzi are holding hands.

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