i like him...

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After few days riya got a call on her father's phone. She picked it.

"Hello!! Who are you?" - she asked confusely.

"Hello! it's me saleem." - he said in low voice.

"What!! How did you get my number? -  she asked furiously.

"I.. I.. Leave it. How are you?" - He asked.

"Don't you ever call me again. I am telling you otherwise consequences will not be good." -

she said and was about to cut the call but stopped when she heard something.

Saleem- "Please stop don't cut the call. I want to talk to you."

"But I don't...."- she said and cut the call.

She was really angry on saleem now.

Riya's P.O.V - how dare he call me. What does he think about himself. I will mot leave him now. Tomorrow I will give him his lesson.

She said while putting the phone on table and then left to her room.

Next day when she reached at school, she started to search saleem but he was nowhere to find. He didn't come school that day because he knew it that she will not spare him now.
After some time...

Eva - "Riya! Do you know...?" She shouted but riya didn't listen. She was lost in her thoughts. Eva shaked her lightly.

Eva- "Riya! Where are you lost?"

Riya came back to her senses - "uhhh, what we're you saying? Sorry I was thinking about something."

"What happened? Is everything alright?"-  Eva asked.

"Ohh. Y..e..s I mean yes everything is fine. Don't worry."

Riya said hasitatingly looking down but Eva noticed something.

Eva - "wait earlier you were looking at Ben. Were you thinking about him? Do you like him?" She said excitedly.

"Nooo... It's not like that. A...ctually I don't k..now what happens with m..e whenever I look at him. I just want to see him eveytime. I can't take o..ff my ey..es from him." - Riya said looking down while playing with her fingers.

Eva (happily)- "Idiot!!it means you like him. That's why you are like this. Ohh I am so happy for you. Finally you found your love."

Riya (shocked)--"Noo you are thinking too muchh."

Eva -"I am not thinking too muchh it's you who is denying your feelings. Just accept already ,you like him."

Riya - (confuse + shy) "I think you are right. May be I really like him...."

Eva - "Really, I told you. Don't worry I will help you. I will.. No I am going go talk to him."

Riya - (super shocked)  "What!!!!! No don't do anything Eva. Eva... Eva..

Before you could complete her sentence Eva already left from there. Riya face palmed herself. She was feeling embarrassed and nervous.

Riya's P.O.V - "she is really mad. What would he think about me? Ohh my god... Please save me. Please Eva don't say anything weird to him. What do I do now. I would not be able to face him again if she told anything to him. I am not even sure about it yet."

She was walking back and forth and biting her nails in nervousness.

bitter sweet love Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon