Brother ??

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Riya's POV - I agreed but seriously I am not ready to listen any confession. I looks strong from outside but I am weak inside. I can't handle situations like this.
What I will do now? Think Riya.. How will you get out of this situation?
Whatever I can't back off now they are looking at me.

She looked back at Ira and Eva, they signaled her to go and sit on her desk. She made an annoying face and sat in her place.

Saleem- "Hello Riya! I have to say something to you. Will you listen ?and please don't complain about it to our teacher." (he said getting scared)

Riya didn't reply anything. She was sitting silently without any reactions.

Saleem -"why are you not answering?

"You said to listen so I am listening now say whatever you want to say" - she said annoyingly.

Saleem- "No, you need to promise me first that you will not say anything to our teacher."

Riya became silent for a while and an idea popped up in her mind.

"OK, I will not say anything to our teacher. You can say whatever you want to say if you really think me as your sister. My brother!!"

She said it knowing that he will not say anything after listening these words.

After it Saleem left from there without saying anything.

He was feeling sad because he understood that he doesn't have any chance to make her fall for him.

Saleem's POV - How can she call me that?  Does she really think like that?  I liked everything about her since I saw her first time. I liked her intelligence, courage, and kindness. Did she never feel that way for me?

Everyone was tensed when they saw his dull face. He came back to his place and sat down without saying anything.

Aslam - "Saleem !what happened? Why are you sad? Did she reject you?"

Saleem wasn't listening and saying anything , he was lost in his thoughts. Ben was also there. He was impatiently waiting for his answer without getting noticed by anyone.

Aslam - "Saleem!! Why are you silent now? For God's sake Say something ,you are making us worried." ( he shook him worriedly making him come out of his thoughts)

When he realized everything he started crying without caring about his surroundings.

"S..she c..alled brother.." He said while crying.

"Brother!!   What?  She called you brother." Ben and Aslam said shockingly.

"How can she do this?  I was always there for her whenever she needed help and support. I always cared about her. I felt sad whenever she was sad about something. I never think her as a sister. I love her whole heartily.
What I will do now, Aslam!! Tell me Ben!! What I will do now?"

Saleem said sniffing his nose and wiping his tears.

Ben -  "shhh.. please don't cry. See everyone is looking at you. Don't think about her anymore."

Aslam - "YES Ben is right don't think about her. You tried best from your side but she never understood your feelings. Forget about her and move on."

Saleem - "Hmm. You are right I will forget her. I will try it." (firmly)

Ben- "Now let's go to our places. Exam is about to start."

Everyone left to their respective place and sat down. Ben was feeling sad for Saleem but he was somewhere happy.

After few minutes teacher entered in classroom with exam papers in his hand. Everyone became silent and started doing their exam. Riya and Saleem wasn't able to concentrate on exam because of the incident.

bitter sweet love जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें