The secret love

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Riya has back to her old self. She behaves normally and doesn't give attention to Ben.

Ira always tells her many things about Ben but she doesn't get affected. She doesn't hate him anymore. She is trying to understand him for her friend.

One day her mother said that they are going to their village to attend a wedding. Riya also need to go with them. Riya agreed.

(she never disobey her mother ,because her mother is the ruler of her house. She is a strict woman. Everyone has to do what she says.)

Riya is in her village now with her family. She is talking with her cousins. 

Her father comes to her and says something while giving her his phone.

"Riya, Ira is calling you. She wants to talk to you. Go and talk with her."

"OK dad." she replied and took phone from her father and went to talk with Ira.

(Actually Riya doesn't have her own phone yet that's why Ira called on her father's phone.)


"What happened?why did you call? "

Riya asked.

Ira-" where are you? Why are you not attending school?"(asked worriedly)

"I am in my village right now. I will come back in two days." - Riya replied.

Riya was going to cut the call that's when Ira stopped her to tell her a secret which she knew recently.

"wait.. wait , don't cut the call I need to tell you something big". She said jokingly

"What? Tell me fast , you know I can't wait.she said excitedly.

" Saleem ,who always helps you,is from your previous school , isn't he? "she asked.

"Yes, but why are asking about him suddenly ? She asked confusely.

"You know he is so good to you always, because he likes you.(what!!! - Riya widened her eyes in shock) He confessed it himself when we (Eva,Ira,and?) asked him." She spitted everything in one go.

"But I always think him as a good friend nothing more than this."-she said angrily.

Saleem is also Riya's old classmate like Eva. Eva was just a classmate to Riya but Saleem was her good friend.

He is tall, fair, smart, polite, and intelligent boy. He always helped her in her need. He is very good in drawing, he made Riya's picture but never saw her.

He secretly liked Riya since elementary school but afraid of her to tell anything, because of an incident.


Riya was in 5th standard. A boy from 6th standard gave her a love latter. Riya took it and gave her class teacher. She complained about him and slapped him in front of everyone. Even though she was very young to understand anything but her actions made everyone gasped.

Her class teacher also punished him because of it. Everyone started to scared of  her since that day. Nobody dared to say anything to her.

Saleem was also in her class when everything happed that's why he never got the courage to confess his feelings to her.
(flashback ended.)


"Now after knowing his true colors,I will never talk to him." Riya said fuming in anger.

"what true colors,he just likes you ,what is wrong in this? Why are you reacting like this,Don't you want to date anyone, don't you like anyone? - she asked confusedly.

"No, neither I like anyone nor want to date. I just hate all of this."

She said angrily and cut the call leaving Eva in shock. 

Riya is like that she doesn't want to fall for anyone. she just hate love because of her parents.

She grew up seeing her parents fight every time. They fight with each other a lot but they made-up everytime in few hours, but Riya was too small to understand their love behind their fights.

So, she decided not to love anyone in her life. Her heart has become ice cold to love.

(Will her heart ever be able to melt for someone?)

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