Happy birthday

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It's Riya's birthday today. She is very happy. She wants to spend this birthday with her friends and family.

She walked inside of school happily. As soon as she entered into the classroom, everybody surprised her with a small surprise party.

They decorated their classroom very beautifully. Everyone gave her birthday wishes. She was very happy, suddenly Saurya came to her, (he was holding something in his hands )and said.--

"Happy birthday Riya"-he said while giving her whatever he was holding in his hands.

Riya ( confused) - "tha...nks, but what is this?" She asked taking it from his hands.

Saurya - "it's your birthday gift."

Riya - "Ohh.. thank you so much for this, but you didn't......... Before she could complete her sentence, Saurya started speaking.

"It's not from me."

Riya - "Then!!!"

Saurya - "It's from Veer. Do you remember I told you about him that he wants to pursue you. He is interested in you."

Riya (angry) - "What!! I told you I am not interested in all these things. Then why did you take anything from him. I can't take it. Please return it back to him." she said while returning him his gift.

Saurya - "No I can't.. Please try to understand. He would be hurt, Just take this as a friendly gift. I will tell him that you declined his proposal but don't return it please. Please.. Please."

Riya - "Ok.. Ok.. I won't, but tell him clearly not to think anything else. Ok."

Saurya - "Ok I will."

He left saying that, and Riya gave that gift to eva without even opening it. After it she returned to her home and celebrated her birthday with her family.

After few days.....

Saurya came to Riya and said - "Hey Riya , what is your phone number?"

Riya - "I don't have mobile."

Saurya - "what about your father?"

Riya - "why are you asking?"

Saurya (hasitatingly) - "A..ctually v..eer wants it."

Riya (mad) - "Are you serious, I told you already not to mention him."

Saurya - "Hey... hey.. why are you reacting like this?, calm down, I was just asking."

Riya - "Ohh ok write." she said getting normal making Saurya confuse.

Saurya - "Huhh.."

Riya ( mischievous) - "I said, Write my number i am speaking."

Then she gave a number to him. he left happily taking it, and Riya smirked while looking at him.

Ira - "hey it's not your father's number. Last two digits were wrong." Ira asked confusedly.

"I know I did it intentionally. Now he will not ask me again. He will learn his lesson." - Riya said rolling her eyes.

Ira - "Wow yrr... you are amazing."

"Hmm I know."- Riya said flapping her hairs back.,And then they started studying.

Few days went by like this. Ben and Riya were getting close. Saurya was trying to set her up with Veer, but getting fail in his every attempt. Riya also started to feel some new feelings in her for Ben. She was experiencing new things. She started to think a lot about Ben, and liked his company.

Ben was also trying to get closer to her, since their classroom were different so they didn't get to spend much time. This thing make them get to know about their true feelings for each other.

Ben wanted to propose her but he knew about Riya. How is she? This thing make him scared meanwhile Riya was still denying her feelings.

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