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"Sir please listen to me!"

The man smacked All Might on the face and pushed him back in his cell. "You have no right to speak, you're a villain now. Mr.Might."

All Might grit his teeth. "I'm telling you what's going on in Japan isn't going to end well!"

"Oh but I thought your whole plan was around the inverted spear of heaven? Yet here you are saying it won't end well? Then what is the real reason you needed that weapon? Tell us!"

All Might stared at the guard and closed his eyes. They had put on quirk deactivating handcuffs so getting out using one for all was a no go.

He was in an American prison heavily guarded by security. Of course this was nothing to All Might but he knew that if he went back to Japan as well that headlines would be everywhere. For now they would try and keep it secret until they got the inverted spear of heaven back.

"I won't let you get away with this you scum."

All Might turned back to the bars of his cell, there stood the president.

"Mr.president I insist I have no ill will toward you or your country!"

The president bashed his hand against the cell bars causing a ring to echo throughout the cell. "Don't you dare! I'll have you dead in a second so don't you dare lie to me!"

All Might stared at the man before closing his eyes.

'This is harder then I thought'

Izuku sat in his room at the edge of his bed. His hands were clasped together and his foot was tapping on the ground.

"Do we have any idea where he is?"

Izuku looked over to Ochako whose mouth was agape. She couldn't find an answer. It had been a month since All Might was declared missing. No one knew of his whereabouts and certain people were suspicious of Izuku.

Ochako wasn't one of those people.

"We can only assume he's in America but even if he was we both know he could've easily escaped after he told you to leave...why wouldn't he?"

Izuku put his hands on his temple and over his face. "I really don't know...I don't get it."

Ochako just patted his shoulder, she knew some of her classmates were against izuku in this. Not that she liked that fact. So she wanted to be a pillar of support for the boy.

Izuku slowly turned his head toward the girl and sighed. "What do I do?"

Ochako frowned at the boy as she sat down next to him. "I really don't know, but I'm on your side." She reached out her hand put it on his cheek.

She slowly smiled.

"Its going be okay..."

He looked back at her with a soft expression on his face. "How do you know...?"

Ochako giggled as she took her hand off of his face. "We'll make sure of it, right?"

Izuku remembered a few weeks back when they talked under the stars in the middle of the night. He looked down at the floor and couldn't help but smile. "Yeah...it's going to be okay." He then turned back to the girl and stood up.

"What do you say we go down to the common room?"

Ochako also stood up and smiled at the boy while nodding. "Let's do it!"

The two quickly made their way down to the common room. Almost the whole class was gathered there watching TV.

The conversations that were ongoing slowly came to an end as eyes were adverted to Izuku and Ochako. The room fell to silence as the TV kept playing its program.

Izuku started to look down at the ground again. 'Why do I even care what these people think of me...I'm only here to get stronger...'

He felt Ochako's hand touch his and quickly looked over to her. She smiled and slowly nodded making him sigh. Izuku stood up.


"Are we all serious?"

Izuku raised a brow as he looked over to Bakugo who had also stood up and crossed his arms. The class's attention was on him.

"Why the hell are we suspecting our only shot at beating Sukuna? And that stupid six eyes dude."

Bakugo looked over to Izuku. "Listen, I don't like you. I never plan to like you, but I'm not stupid so I'm on your side here." The boy walked up to izuku and put his index finger on Izuku's sternum. "But boy if these idiots are right and you did do something to All Might, I'll kill you!"

'Not that you could...' Izuku thought to himself before grinning. "I don't like you either Bakugo, but thanks."

Shoto stands up. "He has a point...and it's one of the reasons I never gave up on Midoriya. If he were to have turned on us the battle of Kagoshima, and he didn't!"

Hagakure also stood up. "Yeah! If anything he saved us all from Sukuna already so why would he turn on us?! He doesn't gain anything from doing so!"

Izuku's eyes slowly widened as he looked back to Ochako who had a smile on her face. She stood up. "For those who are still suspicious, don't worry. I've been and will continue to keep an eye on this guy." She playfully bumped his shoulder with hers and he smiled as well.

The whole class shared glances with one another. "Ah what the hell, even if he does turn like Bakugo said it's our only shot to win, so we gotta do it!" Kirishima stood up along with Kaminari and Sero.

Slowly but surely the entire class joined the side of Izuku. He smiled and clenched his fists. "Wherever All Might is, we can be assured that he's alive. If not, then we're gonna get our revenge." Izuku felt tears well up in his eyes which caught the whole room including him off guard.

He wiped his eyes and chuckled. "All Might has always been the closest thing I've had to a parent." Izuku looked at his palm as memories flew through his head. "He's the only reason I'm not still on the streets, he's the reason I want to help by erasing Sukuna...." Izuku felt his voice crack and chuckled.

"If he's gone, I know that I have to make him proud...otherwise all he did was for nothing."

"No no no..."

Izuku looked over to Ochako a bit confused. She quickly grabbed his hand and put it into a fist. Then spinning it around and putting her own fist against it. "None of this is for nothing, we got this!"

The two felt another fist hit theirs,it was Hagakure. Soon enough the entire class had put their fists together.

Bakugo was the last to do it and had one thing to say.


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