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Izuku woke up and yawned. He looked around the private jet to see the other students conversing while drinking tea.

He groaned and got up. He stretched and scratched his head. "I still don't know why you guys had me take the jet. I could've gotten to Kumamoto way faster on foot."

"Is he always this moody?"

Ochako looked over to Hagakure who had asked the question. "From what I've seen, he's only happy when he's beating the crap out of something."

Shoto stayed silent as he sipped his tea. Izuku watched the boy. 'He looks like someone I've fought before...whatever.' The boy walked over and looked at the table.

The U.A uniform which had the invisible Hagakure in it sat on a chair spoke. "So Team leader, what's the plan for curses. Are gonna stay all together; or split into two teams."

Izuku shrugged. "You guys can stay with me or you can not stay with me. I don't really care."

Ochako rolled her eyes while leaning onto her palm. "What a leader you are."

"Fine! Here's what's gonna happen!" Izuku stomped his foot onto the table they were sitting at.

"America hair, you and cheeks will stay together. Exercise curses and then meet us back whenever you need anything. Invisible, you stay with me. Got it?"

Ochako and Shoto looked at each other and nodded.

"Do I gotta be with you?"

Izuku scoweled at Hagakure. "You'll be doing your own thing so just don't get in my way."

"No but she's right, from what I've heard you're very fast. If you can't see her there's no way you can go your full speed without running into her."

Izuku looked over to Shoto. "Your voice is just like I thought it would be, very monotone. Anyways you have a point. So, Todoroki you're with me."

Shoto just nodded at him.

Izuku put his foot back onto the floor of the jet. "Anyways, anyone know when we're gonna get there?"

"Like an hour."

Izuku groaned. "Then I'm going back to sleep."

The other three just rolled their eyes as izuku sat back down in his seat.

"You really think he's gonna be good?"

Shoto shrugged at Ochako's question. "It doesn't matter to me, he won't hold me back I assume so I'll be fine alone."

Ochako just nodded and looked over to Hagakure. "I'm happy we'll be able to work together again last time was a lot of fun." Ochako giggled and Hagakure's uniform could be seen bouncing up and down. "Yeah! It's fun!"

Izuku slowly fell back to sleep. It didn't feel like much as he opened his eyes again and the plane had landed. He yawned and stood up.

He looked at his three team members and then back to the hatch to the jet. "Let's go. Aizawa's probably waiting for us."

They nodded and followed izuku off of the jet. They were on the exact border of Kagoshima. Izuku looked at the remains of the city. It was almost nothing, only ruble.

'So this is the power of Limitless...'

"I see you've made it safely."

Izuku turned and saw a purple haired boy. "And you are?"

The boy walked up and put a hand out. "Hitoshi Shinso."

Izuku tilted his head slightly. "Oh you're the grade 1 on Aizawa's team right?"

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