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"So you're staying here?"

Izuku sat with his hand cupping his cheek, his elbow leaning on his windowsill. He looked out at the setting sun. "Mhm."

Shoto was sat on Izuku's desk chair. He had come to the boys room so that he could say hello, since he didn't really get too when he entered the dorms.

Shoto had a small smile on his face. "Well, then welcome back."

Izuku glanced back at the boy before sighing. "Thanks..."

Ochako had left over half an hour ago, the whole class had dinner but izuku was in his dorm. Pondering Ochako's words. It still was foreign for izuku to find someone who seemed to actually care about him. Also foreign for someone to make him have an epiphany like she did.

She was completely right. He couldn't beat Sukuna, not with how he was now. Even if he did become a martial artists with real fighting techniques he didn't know if he'd win. It was really all up to him being the final nail in the coffin after All Might takes him on. He knew they'd have to separate All for One and Shigaraki. Now knowing that All for One was Sukuna's vessel.

The future looked much more grim than it did previously.

Izuku thought back to his battle with All for One. After he caught All for One off guard and ripped his blade through his face the man didn't heal. He could only wonder if this would help him in the future battle. If sukuna were powerful as legends told, then he could heal right?

But would he want to heal the man holding his soul hostage?

"Well, I'm gonna go but I'll see you at school tomorrow okay?"

Izuku snapped out of his thoughts and turned around to see Shoto standing up. He slowly nodded. "Yeah man see you then..."

Izuku turned back to the windowsill. "You're thinking about Uraraka aren't you."

Izuku looked back again and saw Shoto staring at him. "And what if I am?"

Shoto couldn't help but grin. "You think it's weird don't you. That she cares about you even though you don't know each other."

Izuku chuckled. "Read me like a book."

Shoto nodded. "She was the same for me, earlier this year she pep talked me constantly." Small flames popped up on the red haired side of his face. "Now I use my power to its fullest."

Izuku sighed. "It's just weird, at what point did that switch flip. Her demeanor completely changed in a matter of seconds. She became..."

"She matched your energy didn't she."

Izuku looked back out of the window to the sun which was just leaving the horizon. "Yeah...no one's ever really done that before." He chuckled to himself.

Shoto smiled a bit while also looking out of Izuku's window at the sunset. "Well, once you get accustomed to our class it'll happen a lot. We like to have friendly competitions. You might be stronger than us, but that won't stop us from challenging you."

Izuku smiled while shaking his head. He groaned. "Man, schools gonna be weird. Never been to an actual class before and I'm pushing 17."

"Not once? How's that work?"

Izuku looked back to Shoto. "Never met my parents, so I haven't done a lot of stuff my parents would set up for me. If I wasn't a smart ass then I wouldn't even know how to read and write. But I managed to pick it up on my own, along with speaking if you couldn't already tell." Izuku shrugged while smiling.

"Admirable, yet you still have so much to improve."

Izuku's smile disappeared. "The hell does that mean?"

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