Chapter 17: The not-so itsy bitsy spider.

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I sat on the same stone as always, watching as MK and Monkey King trained for the thousandth time. Was that even an exaggeration by this point? Whatever, I was more focused on my thoughts anyways. The last episode was 'The End Is Here!' so either this one wasn't an episode—and thus I had time to chill—or this was the.. what was it again? Shit, I forget what comes next! That's gonna come back to bite me, isn't it? Gah!

I was soon broken out of my thoughts by MK's voice, deciding to listen in as he and Monkey King trained. "You call this a training session?" MK proclaimed, twirling his staff around as he blocked an attack from his mentor. "I've barely broken a sweat!" He sweatdropped, trying to keep Monkey King from beating him in this battle. "A battle's no place to be arrogant, you gotta stay humble." Monkey King spoke, pushing off MK's staff and leaping back skillfully.

"Says you?" MK sassed, continuing to counter his mentor—though with struggle. He managed to drive Monkey King towards the ledge of the mountain. "Hah, who's gotta be humble now?" MK cheered in perceived victory, leaping up and trying to land a blow on Monkey King. "Hm." The ginger furred simian glanced behind him, then back at MK with a smirk. He leapt up and countered MK's attack before he could even hit the ground. "Still you." He remarked with a smug grin.

Monkey King kicked MK's staff, sending it flying out of MK's grip and into the mountain side—a large chunk of the mountain breaking off. Jeez, hard to forget how skilled Monkey King really is. Surprised Flower Fruit Mountain is even still standing! "OH BOY-" MK yelped, trying to dodge the falling debris—and failing.

A small, white furred monkey skittered over towards me to avoid the chaos—followed shortly by another.. then another.. THEN ANOTHER— HOW MANY MONKEYS ARE ON THIS DAMN MOUNTAIN?! I felt myself smothered by the many small monkeys, trying to pry them off myself. Meanwhile, Monkey King landed on his Somersault cloud, hopping off and to safety. He used his tail to pick MK up out of the rubble. "Ok, class commencing, how'd I win?" Monkey King prompted.

He sat MK down, the spiky haired boy rubbing his chin in thought. "Uh, you buried me under a rock slide?" MK answered hesitantly. "Yes, buttttt—why were you standing in the way of a rock slide?" Monkey King responded, trying to get MK to learn from his mistakes. "'Cause you put me there!" MK argued, as if insulted. "No, no, no, no, no, no. I got you where I wanted you by putting myself where you wanted me," Monkey King replied, ruffling up MK's hair. "it's called... misdirection." He dramatically put his arms above and under his eyes to fake a zoom in effect.

"Seems like a shady lesson." MK countered, hand on his hip. "Too soon, buddy." Monkey King replied with crossed arms. "Ugh, I'm never gonna be as good as you!" MK groaned, flopping over and onto the cold, stone floor. "Not with that attitude. Class dismissed!" Monkey King proclaimed with a grin, his hands on his hips. "Yes! I better hit it, I was supposed to meet Mei and the others for the fes—" MK spoke, but was cut off by a pillow hitting him in the face.

"Hey!" MK scowled halfheartedly, though paused at seeing his mentor begin setting up a place to watch the fireworks(via his hair, just mystical monkey business). "Whoa... How long have you been preparing this?" MK muttered in awe. "Come on, it's New Year's, bud. Let's watch the fireworks." Monkey King spoke with a smile, pointing at the sky. "Oh, love to but I really should get back to my... friends." MK replied hesitantly, though noticed how Monkey King looked up to the sky. MK sighed. "Sure." He let a smile overtake his features.

Monkey King went to speak, though faltered. "Hey, where's [Name]?—" He questioned, looking around for me. "Good questio—" MK paused, seeing me struggling beneath a pile of fur. "Err—" He stared, confused. Monkey King took notice, and whistled—causing the group of small monkeys to scatter. I sat up, brushing fur off of my clothing. "You alright there kid?" Monkey King questioned. "Your monkeys nearly suffocated me." I rolled my eyes, standing up and walking over—planning to join the two.

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