Chapter 6: Cloudy with a chance of Redson.

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It had been a week or so since the whole DBK situation, and I had more or less gotten myself a living situation now. yay- I was currently staying with Sandy on his house boat, he was kind enough to let me stay in his spare room. I also officially work at Pigsy's now, so that's a plus.

I wonder when the weather station episode will begin? I'm bored out of my mind! I glance around the boat at everyone here, Tang, Sandy, Mo, MK, Mei. My gaze lands briefly on the TV and I move to turn it up and listen in. "And in breaking news, it's been confirmed that last week's devastation was caused by the legendary Demon Bull King. Questions still remain about the small, overpowered, young man and his companion who saved us all. Authorities warn-" That's when I zoned out, no longer interested in the news. I mean, I had been there, no point in watching news over it.

I glance towards MK and Mei to see what they're up to. "And then I was like-" MK began. "-Stop there Demon Bull King!" He continued. "And DBK's all like- You can't stop me, I'm crazy!" Mei was giggling as MK retold the story. "And then I grabbed my staff, and woosh! I created this giant mech!" MK twirled the staff around and plunged it into the floor of the boat excitedly. Obviously, that did make a leak happen. "Ruh-oh- Looks like you uh- sprung a leak MK." Mei giggled as MK noticed. "Ah! Oh jeez!-" MK panicked.

I chuckled at the sight and shook my head, turning my head towards the sound of footsteps approaching. Pigsy stood nearby Tang and seemed angry. "I Just pulled a quadruple shift at the shop, and I show up to see you've all been slacking off all day!?" Pigsy yelled. I turned my attention to him and sweatdropped. "Oh Piggy, relax! A little time off never hurt anyone." Tang spoke with a chuckle as MK quickly ran over and butted in. "Yeah, a time off never hurt nobody!" MK said with a grin.

I went to speak as well but was interrupted by Sandy's voice. "Look out!" My gaze instantly went upwards and I saw the chains holding up a crate snap, the crate landing on MK. I let out a yelp and was the first the rush over. "Kid!" Pigsy yelled. I blinked and stepped back as the crate started to move in a very un crate like way. Before MK burst through it like a fucking chestburster.

"I am invincible!" MK concluded loudly as everyone let out a sigh of relief. "Look, MK. Just cus you got the Monkey King's powers and all, It don't mean-" Pigsy was cut off by his and everyone else's gasps as Mei fired a whole fucking rocket launcher at MK. "MK, how about this!" She giggled. MK rose from the rubble with a laugh. "I AM INVINCIBLE!" MK was a little stunned but seemed to be having the time of his life.

Pigsy pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. "Look kiddo, you're a superhero now. You're going to need-" Pigsy was once again interrupted, this time by Mei. "A cape!" Mei giggled. "Maybe a logo! Or a headquarters! Some vehicles! Y'know, all the stuff to help you beat bad guys!" Mei exclaimed excitedly. "No! What I was getting at was-" Pigsy tried once more but Mei interrupted again. "To the sea-cret base!" She giggled at her pun before heading inside of an elevator that had opened in one of the crates- forcing everyone in with her.

"This seems like a safety violation-" I stated, unsure if this was going to end up killing me. "It's fineeee!" Mei reassured with a giggle. Once the elevator went down everyone exited and I sighed, following behind Mei. "Welcome to our new team base!" Mei proclaimed proudly and I glanced around at all the expensive and high tech stuff. "I forgot how rich you are-" I murmured under my breath.

"Mei! When did you make this!?" MK questioned excitedly. "How did you make this!?" Pigsy also questioned, though more so in utter confusion. Tang leaned over to me and Sandy and whispered. "Say- Sandy, [Name], weren't you building a secret base for MK too?" Sandy paused. "Uhm-" I sweatdropped thinking back at the really bad pillow fort of a base we had attempted to make. "Nope-" I responded, lying through my teeth and looking off to the side.

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