Chapter 16: An uneasy alliance.

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I sat in the passenger seat of MK's delivery truck, a still injured Shadow resting on my shoulders. Currently, we were driving back from MK's training with Monkey King—seeing as he had finished, obviously. MK bobbed his head to music playing in his earphones, music which I could faintly hear. I looked around our surroundings as he drove, Shadow beginning to hiss. I felt my eyes widen and I leaned back in my seat—OH SHIT, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?

There was a neon teal hue covering everything, bull clones wandering like zombies. I tried to think back, and remember what episode this was. Neon teal, bull clones, the Macaque was the last one—oh. Oh no. Bull King still used the skeleton key. We're gonna have to deal with Lady Bone Demon—I DON'T LIKE WHERE THIS IS GOING-

I was about to warn MK something was wrong, but he cut me off and spoke. "We're here, c'mon!" I didn't get a chance to protest as he quickly went inside Pigsy's Noodles. Worried for him, I glanced to Shadow before following. "MK, don't you think things seem a little wr-" He cut me off, looking around for the others. "Hey, yo! Guess who's back from his training with Monkey Ki-" He promptly cut himself off, realizing the worn down and damaged state of things.. Oh, and the like 20 bull clones snarling at us. "OH GREAT HEAVENS-" I yelped, grabbing Shadow into my arms so he wouldn't fall off my shoulder. "THEY'RE BLUE! MK LET'S NOT-" I turned on my heel and dragged a stunned MK behind me, leaving back to the truck—only to stop at the sight of another, much more angry, bull clone.

It reared back with a snarl, glowing teal light coming from its eyes and mouth as maybe 8 more bull clones appeared behind it, ready to attack. MK stumbled back with a yelp as I tried to stand my ground—though it was apparently unnecessary, as Pigsy's food truck came speeding through and rammed into the bull clones—who were promptly sent flying. "This is how I die-" I murmured under my breath, not entirely sure how capable the gang was in this situation—at least not when it was real. Sandy stepped out of the food truck(no idea how he fit in there-) and for whatever reason, they had over-the-top dystopian outfits on and struck a pose. Yup, time to plan my funeral.

"Guys! Whoa! You look so awesome!" MK gasped, grinning at the sight. I shot him a 'wtf, we almost died' look in return. Mei hopped off the front of the truck to greet us. "Yeah, so, uh, some stuff happened when you were away. Got kind of intense." She replied, rubbing the back of her neck. "B-But I left you with one of my boys!" MK frowned, and I looked over to one of MK's clones he had summoned previously. "Oh, he's been super useful." Tang responded sarcastically. "I don't know what to tell you, guy." The clone shrugged before exploding into hair.

I sighed, looking back to Mei. "So, what happened?" MK prompted worriedly. "Well, after you left-" Mei went to reply, but was cut off by Tang clearing his throat. "If you'll allow me?" He smirked, causing Mei to groan in annoyance. At least his outfit looked cool. "Well, after you left, the Bull Clones attacked. But they were different, more powerful before. We believe it's all tied back to the Demon Bull King himself. MK, [Name], he's conquered everything." Tang explained dramatically, causing MK to gasp.

MK's expression settled into a scowl as he spoke. "Where is he? Where is DBK?" He questioned sternly. "We're not sure. But, there's pretty scary noises coming from the mountain." Sandy responded, him and Pigsy looking at the mountain in the distance. "I don't like where this is going, not at all.." I murmured, Shadow nodding in agreement.

|An undisclosed amount of time later.|

We had all piled into the food truck, making our way to the Flaming Foundry. I think we crashed into a sign, but I couldn't see for sure due to how fast we were going. Either way, we soon made it, and the truck stopped. "All right, what's the plan?" Sandy asked, ignoring how cramped everything was. "Uh... I dunno. I just gonna... wing it?" MK sweatdropped as he spoke in response. "Yeah!" Mei cheered. "Sounds great. Let's go!" Sandy confirmed, the others agreeing.

Chaos, Confusion, and Coffee. |LMK X READER|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora