Chapter Fifteen

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In the dead of night, the witch came. She had a deep and deadly beauty. In this land of magic and might, witches always seemed to be ugly, because their magic came with a price. This witch had stolen a powerful object to give her back her young and beautiful face from before she became corrupted by evil. But though she had a beautiful face, corruption shrouded her in darkness.

Golden Scale could sense the witch coming. A terrible darkness surrounded her in an evil aura. The fairies could sense it too. They warned Cadence that the witch was approaching, and she told everyone, "Hide quick! The witch is coming." The fairy queen casted a concealing charm on everyone so they could ambush the witch when she approached.

The fairy forest grew somehow darker as the witch grew near. The fireflies retreated, and the tree branches seemed to thicken, blocking out any starlight. They stood in the darkness and watched an inky blackness approach. The witch slunk up to them like a black fog. Unaware of their presence, the witch merely searched the forest to find the fairies. She peered out of the blackness, her beautiful white face like a ghost in the darkness.

As the dark aura reached the fairy village, the air turned cold. Golden Scale sensed the fairies below trembling in the darkness, invisible under their enchantments. The witch sensed them too. She came straight toward them. She took out a cane from the folds of her dark cape. As she came near with her crooked cane ready, the mages aimed their staves.

"Back! I command you," Felix boomed. "You are not welcome here, witch!"

The witch disappeared into a fog like a flame flickering and turning to a puff of smoke. Back, she fled, but then out of the darkness came a deep red light. The witch screamed an evil incantation, and all around the area, red ripples appeared on the ground, and out flew imps as red as rubies. They came for Felix, the only person they could see.

But out of hiding, all the soldiers rushed to defend the wizard. A hundred soldiers went to battle against the imps the witch had called with her dangerous incantations. As the forest erupted into the chaos of the battle, Golden Scale kept his eyes on the witch. She retreated to watch her imps from afar, and Golden Scale took off to catch her.

Behind him, the imps attacked the soldiers. Selene, the elvish sorceress, chanted the words to cast spells on the imps, making green and blue sigils twirl in the air. The wizards casted water magic with their staves, making the nearby fairy stream turn into giant orbs of water to put out the fires the imps conjured. Tedric the dwarf swung his ax and kept the imps from hurting Cadence, who stood by screaming at the terrifying sight of all the red imps flying about attacking the soldiers.

Golden Scale caught up to the witch. He landed, crashing against trees, and scrambled to catch the witch. She pointed her cane at the dragon and shot a green glowing ball. The ball hit the dragon in the chest, and he felt an evil cloud of dread come over him. But he still swiped at the witch and managed to grab her with his talons. He pulled her cane out of her hands and crashed it on the ground, splintering the wood.

All around the area, the imps screeched.

Golden Scale lifted the witch as she screamed. He flew back to his allies and landed in the clearing, coming to an unsteady halt. The green glow made him feel weak and sluggish. All around, the battle waged on. Golden Scale knew he couldn't breathe fire. The imps had fire magic and besides, he couldn't breathe fire with the queen's soldiers everywhere, fighting against the imps.

Windam, the centaur, came galloping up and whacked the witch in the head with the butt of his spear, knocking her out.

All the imps disappeared like paper caught fire and drifting in the wind as they turned to ash.

Selene saw the green glow on Golden Scale's chest. She rushed up and pointed her scepter at the wound. She said some magical words, and the green glow leached out of the dragon and went into the scepter. Then it dispersed into the air, healing the dragon of the poison the witch had cast upon him.

And that is how the queen's party and all her soldiers defeated the witch and her imps, mostly thanks to a brave dragon and a smart centaur.

And that is how the queen's party and all her soldiers defeated the witch and her imps, mostly thanks to a brave dragon and a smart centaur

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