The boy shook his head. "N-no. I don't remember anything at all. I'm s-scared."

"Don't worry. We all were scared when we first came into the glade. And our names came back after a few days." Newt tried to comfort him.

"Thomas." the boy replied.

"What?" Alby asked the boy.

"My name. It's Thomas." the boy replied again.

"Newt!" a voice was calling him. His whole vision started to shake, and he felt someone shaking him. The glade spun in circles around him, and Newt closed his eyes.

When he opened them, he was facing the bright blue sky.

"Newt!" The voice called again, this time, closer to Newt.

Newt turned his head and saw Thomas looking at him.

"You fell asleep while tending the gardens," he said, smiling at him.

"Oh, I did?" Newt said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head with his hand. 

"You were sleeping so deep that I didn't want to wake you, but it's time for lunch. Frypan made his stew again." Thomas scrunched his nose.

Newt laughed and sat up, resting his back against a tree trunk. Boys were already lining up in front of a long wooden table, on which Frypan, with his dark skin and short curly hair, was handing out bowls of his soup. He was our cook, the food provider in the glade. He was notorious for the soup that he made from time to time, just to get on their nerves.

Thomas held out his hand as he got up, dusting his hands on his jeans. Newt reluctantly grabbed his hand, hoisting himself up from the ground. For a moment, their faces were almost touching as Thomas had pulled Newt up with so much force, that Newt almost smacked into Thomas. Their brown eyes locked together, and for a moment neither moved nor said anything. Thomas broke away first.

"Sorry." He mumbled, letting go of Newt's hand, a pink blush prominent on his cheeks.

Newt's thumping heart quickly resided as he tried to process what had happened. First, he was on the ground, and in a second, he was almost kissing Thomas.

"Let's go eat Frypan's stew!" Newt said, chuckling nervously. They raced each other to the table and joined the line of boys.

"About time you shucks showed up." Chuck greeted them. He had curly brown hair, reaching to his shoulders, and his green eyes glinted from the sun's rays.

"Newtie over here was sleeping like a dog," Thomas explained, laughing.

Newt's face became red as he heard Thomas refer to him with a nickname.

"I did not!" Newt shouted back, punching Thomas playfully in the arm.

"Chuck! Your turn!" Frypan called, making all three of us turn towards Frypan. "Here ya go," Frypan said, giving a bowl of soup to Chuck.

"Thanks," Chuck replied, licking a piece of soup that dribbled from the bowl to his finger.

"Anytime," Frypan responded, turning his attention towards Newt and Thomas. "Ah, what do we have here? If it isn't for Newt and Thomas."

He gave each of them an extra spoonful of the soup, making both of the boys groan in protest.

 "Come on Frypan. You have to save them for the other boys." Thomas complained.

"I made extras in case anybody else wanted some," Frypan responded with a cheerful grin.

Newt started to laugh, elbowing Thomas as they walked over to a place on the glade to sit down and eat.

Thomas sat down on the grass, his back leaning against a fallen tree, and Newt followed.

"You know, I can never understand Frypan these days," Thomas grumbled as he picked a spoonful of the stew, and poured it back in the bowl.

"He's getting less strict on the shares," Newt said, taking a huge spoonful of the soup, and gulping it down hastily. It tasted like the vegetables they had in the garden. Onions, carrots, and potatoes. It wasn't a bad combination, really. 

"Come on. It's good, Thomas." Newt replied, taking another spoonful.

Thomas slowly put the spoon in his mouth and swallowed it, making a strangled noise as he tried to gulp it down.

"It was good, right?" Newt asked, raising an eyebrow at Thomas. He nodded. 

"Better than the ones he made before," he admitted, clearing his bowl in a few spoons. He licked his lips greedily, eyeing the soup Newt held in his hands.

"Where did the boy who said he didn't want to eat this stew go?" Newt asked playfully, evoking a laugh from Thomas.

Their smiles faded as they looked on across the walls of the maze, stretching as far as one could see.

"Newt, how far do you think the maze goes?" Thomas asked, both boys still looking at the maze.

"A long distance. It's locked us up here since Alby came up. I believe there's an exit somewhere in there." Newt replied, draining his last mouthfuls of soup down his throat.

"Do you think there's life out there?" Thomas asked again, this time, looking at Newt.

Newt looked back at Thomas. "No." He replied shortly and got up to return the bowl to Frypan.

Thomas followed him, holding his bowl in one hand, and putting his other hand in his pockets. A habit he had whenever he was nervous.

Both boys returned the bowls and headed back to where they were sitting a few minutes ago.

A loud sound followed, and a gust of wind blew on the boy's faces. Confused, they both got up as they saw the walls of the maze slowly closing in broad daylight.

Author's note:

Hey guys! This is my first time writing a fanfic about Newtmas, and I hope you enjoyed it! I'm sorry this was a boring chapter, but I had to do all my introductions for this book in this chapter. The story will get more exciting and interesting from now on. Just hang tight!

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