A Old Friend's Return

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Izuko: But how?! You look so different and stronger!

Izuku: I'm the son of the strongest villain in the world, what do you get?

Izuko's thoughts: No wonder I never met his dad.

Izuko: Well, are we gonna chat or fight?

Izuku: Let's fight.

A/N: Izuku's Quirks

1. Reality Warp: The ability to manipulate and alter reality at will, creating anything from new dimensions to twisting the laws of physics.

2. Time Manipulation: The power to control time, from slowing it down or speeding it up to traveling through different time periods.

3. Energy Absorption: The ability to absorb and channel various forms of energy, such as electricity, heat, or light, to enhance one's physical abilities or unleash devastating attacks.

4. Molecular Manipulation: The power to control and manipulate the structure and composition of molecules, allowing the user to reshape objects or create new materials.

5. Teleportation: The ability to instantly transport oneself or others to any desired location across vast distances.

6. Telekinesis: The power to move and control objects with the mind, levitating them or manipulating them in various ways.

7. Illusion Casting: The ability to create realistic illusions that can deceive and manipulate the senses of others.

8. Elemental Control: The power to control and manipulate the four classical elements (earth, fire, air, water) to create powerful attacks or defenses.

9. Shapeshifting: The ability to change one's physical form into anything, from animals to other people, granting enhanced abilities or disguises.

10. Reality Distortion: The power to bend and distort reality to create illusions, alter perceptions, or manipulate the environment around oneself.

11. Gravity Manipulation: The ability to control and manipulate gravitational forces, allowing the user to increase or decrease gravity in a specific area, create gravitational fields to push or pull objects, or even defy gravity by levitating or flying.

12. Memory Manipulation: The power to manipulate and alter memories, from erasing or implanting memories in others to viewing and reliving past memories or experiences.

13. Probability Manipulation: The ability to manipulate probabilities and likelihoods, allowing the user to alter the chances of events occurring, such as causing unlikely events to happen or preventing certain outcomes.

14. Sound Manipulation: The power to control and manipulate sound waves, allowing the user to create deafening blasts of sound, manipulate sound frequencies for various effects, or even silence sound in an area.

15. Emotion Control: The ability to manipulate and control the emotions of oneself or others, influencing feelings such as joy, fear, anger, or calmness to manipulate behavior or reactions.

16. Shadow Manipulation: The power to control and manipulate shadows, allowing the user to create shadow constructs, blend into shadows for stealth, or even merge with shadows to teleport between them.

17. Probability Alteration: Changing the outcomes of events or situations by manipulating the probabilities associated with them. This can range from increasing the chances of something positive happening to decreasing the likelihood of negative outcomes.

18. Photokinesis: The ability to control and manipulate light, allowing the user to create blinding flashes of light, bend light around objects to make them invisible, or create illusions using light manipulation.

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