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    I need to quit judging people so quickly. After seeing what Quinn's friends look like, i really regretted bringing my phone with me. Well, not really, because it's always good to prevent yourself from danger. However, there is absolutely no danger here.

I was standing awkwardly in front of everyone in the basement, while Quinn was introducing me to his "gang".

They were like, 6 or 7 persons looking at me as if it was their first time seeing a human being.

"Come sit next to me Cass!" Zuri called. 

 In the basement, a spacious light fawn corner sofa lounged comfortably beside a central coffee table. I couldn't help noticing how well decrated the basement is: a plush, warm carpet covered the floor, colorful paintings adorned the walls, and a small fridge nestled in one corner. Above all, a whimsical wave ball chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a soft, dreamy glow. Whose house is this?    

I went to sit next to Zuri, wearing a very awkward smile on my face. 

"I know how you're feeling." The red-haired girl said from the other side of the couch. "We've all been there."

 She's so attractive and very different. They are all different from each other! Zuri has this adorable, soft vibe, Benji's the quintessential gentle nerd, while the red-haired girl rocks a goth style that's straight out of a dark fairy tale. Then there's the guy next to her with tattoos on his arms, sporting a street-smart look that screams urban cool.          

Well, if you count...there are exactly five people here. My anxiety made me feel like there were more. 

Breath Cass, stop overthinking and stressing over nothing.

Zuri looked at me with that warm smile of hers. 

"By the way, Cass, are your parents ok with going back home late tonight?" Quinn asked with a little frown on his face. 

Shit. How am I supposed to answer a question like this? I'll lie. Simple.


I feel bad about giving him such a cold short answer. He smiled and came to sit on the couch with us. 

The street boy got up, took a bottle of water from the coffee table and coughed to get everyone's attention, then said in a showrunner tone using the bottle of water as a microphone "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here tonight to welcome a new member. Please give a huge round of applause for Cassie!"

They all started clapping their hands and cheering. The Show Runner pulled me from the couch and gave me the bottle."Would you mind introducing yourself to the crowd?"

"Umm... "

All eyes were on me. The thing I hate the most. I can't concentrate. But when I saw Zuri, lifting her thumbs up as a sign of encouragement, I felt calmer. 

I took a deep breath.

"Hi. I'm Cassie Kennedy. I'm sixteen. And I have no idea what your gang is or what I am doing here."

Maybe the last sentence was a little bit harsh. But well, all truths are harsh. 

Contrary to what I expected, they all started laughing. 

Mr. Showrunner placed a hand on my shoulder and said "Our guest has a sense of humor! "

"You will understand everything, and you'll love it" Zuri shouted. 

"Cass, i'll make this quick." Mr. Showrunner continued "This is a gang for lost and misunderstood teens. We meet here every day and talk about everything and anything. We're like family. Closer than family. And if Quinn brought you here, there's a reason."

"You mean.. You guys think i'm a lost and misunderstood teenager? Is this because of the fucking 'The Newssica'?"

I could feel anger bubbling up inside me. Are they feeling sorry for me? Because i'm a piece of trash and a humiliation to Theo? Because i look horrible and dress horrible? Because i don't have friends aside from Selma? 

"What? God, no! Quinn is the one who chooses this gang's members. And he chose you. Quinn knows when someone is suffering."

 Quinn stood up and approached me. "Everyone on this earth is battling something deep inside, Riley. Some folks need more help than others, and some people just need a listener. While other people, can commit suicide anytime."

 Then he leaned in, his face suddenly so close to mine "I saw dangerous thoughts following you, Cassie. And i once, was just like you. So, I know what can happen if I leave you on your own."

Is he for real? What he said isn't comforting at all. Actually, it creeps me out. I even started shaking unconsciously. 

"Quinn! You scared her you piece of shit!" Zuri yelled. 

She got up and held me tightly. "It's alright. We're all damaged children here. We didn't accept it at first. But now, we just live with it." She let go of me. "I ran away when i first met these shitheads." 

Then she pointed to the nerd. "Benji threw up when he first met us."

They all started laughing at that memory. 

"I started shouting out of the blue" said the goth girl. 

Everyone was laughing except me. I didn't know what to do. Am I supposed to laugh too? Or go back home and pretend like nothing happened?

"May i ask.. What brought you all here? You actually look like cool and collected people.." I asked in a very low voice. 

Part of me hoped they wouldn't hear me, but another part really wanted to get to know each of them and become friends.

"There's a lot you need to know before you dive in with us and meet the gang," Riley said, still holding that showrunner flair. "Like rules for example. But first things first, are you really interested in joining?" 

The basement went silent, waiting for my answer. 

These people are really strange, but kind of familiar too.. I was curious about them. What are their stories? Is Zuri one of them? A damaged child? I can't simply believe that. There must be a mistake. 

Am I, a damaged child?

My life has always been a boring cycle of long, uninteresting days repeating themselves year after year. Maybe it's time to try new things, right? A new adventure...

What am I losing?

"Yeah, i'm interested. Really interested."

Lost But FoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora