Part 11

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"You can sleep in the bed"
"You're not mad?"


Nathan shut the door and locked it. You gave a look of confusion but he assured for safety reasons.
He didn't like Namor, but you were sure you weren't a favorite either.

"I'm not mad, but I'm not happy either" he sat on the bed taking off his shoes.
You stared at him, fiddling with the bandages on your hand. You were nervous, scared if anything.
"Are you going to kill me tomorrow?"
"I'm not" he stated blankly, "I'm sure boss will contact us"
"You're very optimistic.."
He took off his hoodie revealing a tanktop underneath, "We'll sleep on opposite sides of the bed. Don't think too much about it. We'll have the answer in the morning"
"No Nathan!!" You shouted causing him to jump and look at you, "I don't want to die! I don't want to be killed by that maniac Nathan!!"

He sighed and ignored your panicking. You looked down at your bare feet that were scratched and cold. You began to rub them with tears as you shook dreadfully.
You still had hope you could survive. Hope that Nathan would be on your side but then you remember he is not an ally and never had been. He was a helper in all this and he's only perceived as innocent because of how awful Namor is.

"So it was all a lie? Selling me for $500,ooo dollars to a man who wanted this to be romantic? What kind of sick joke is that Nathan?" You grabbed his arm and looked him in the eyes, "Just for none of it to be real? For the deal to be a bust? All this just to take my life!"
He didn't respond and got up to turn off the light. He kept a lamp on so the room wasn't completely dark but you were too on edge to sleep. He laid in the bed as if you never spoke.
"Nathan.. you can't ignore me like this.. How could you both do this to me? Me of all people!! How could you hurt me like this.. keep me in a dirty basement in the cold. Have me running and trying to escape for lord knows how many days!! And somehow you're worse than Namor!"

He didn't move. You could faintly make out his red hair beneath the blanket.

"You're worse Nathan!!" You began to sob with no comfort, "Atleast Namor is straight up and to the point!! He loves what he does.. he finds pleasure in the pain of others. But you! You are normal right? You have morals right? Bullshit! You're just as worse giving me hope that somehow I'll make it out of this hellhole you both trapped me in!"

Nathan let out a frown and covered his head with the pillow but you didn't care how aggravated he got.

"Take me back down to the basement then if you don't want to hear your sins Nathan!! Why did I think you could actually care about my well being? Just for Namor to slaughter me and you not flinch..?" you didn't speak anymore as you cried softly into your hands, "God please.."
"There is no God, don't beg to him" Nathan spat and your cries continued, "If I would've known you were going to act like this I would have let you stay down there and sleep"
"What do you expect?!" You exclaimed and he sighed.
"Nothing less than this"
"You piece of shit.." you muttered and he sat up with a sigh.
"Just calm down alright?"
"Don't you try to ease my concern Nathan. Just tell me, tell me if you'll let Namor kill me tomorrow" you asked wanting the truth and Nathan yet again sighed.
"It's nothing personal.. You know our identity. We didn't know it was a bust alright? We had orders and confirmation and now it's gone"

You didn't speak another word to him before laying down on the opposite side. You hugged your knees to your chest and tried to control your soft sniffles beneath the blanket.
Nathan spoke your name but you didn't respond.
You tried to sleep but for the rest of the night you couldn't stop thinking of how this could be your last day.
You finally dozed off.
Morning came faster than you wanted.


You woke up and Nathan and Namor were above you waiting. You scooted against the bed frame with the cover and both men gave you a puzzled look.
No one said a word.
Nathan looked at his phone and began typing after a message popped up.
"It's a coworker" Namor informed you, "Though we don't call them that. He's telling us about how no one has gotten in contact with the boss. Something's up but don't you worry your pretty little head about it"

Nathan scoffed and rolled his eyes as he dropped the phone on the bed.

"What the hell is going on? Do you think the cops are involved somehow?" Nathan asked and Namor shrugged.

The black haired male began to whistle as he twirled a knife looking at you. You remained in the bed wrapped in the blanket with a worried expression.

"What are we gonna do?" Namor asked calmly which was surprising.
"What can we do?"
"Kill her"

You got goosebumps as Namor laughed.

"No Namor" Nathan spat, "If no one is getting in contact with the boss. The job isn't a bust and the customer is still waiting on the all clear from her"
Namor threw the knife at the wall, making you jump "How long does she expect us to keep this up? I'm tired of living in this shitty, backwood town"

"Then let's leave"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16 ⏰

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