Part 8

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"See? I won't take it off either"


Namor just looked at you while you evaded eye contact. You didn't like being close to him. He was odd. Something was wrong with him.
The ropes on your wrists chaffed and began to burn.
You were scared to speak but you two had been sitting in silence for quite a while.

"Namor um.."
"Who said you could speak?" he cocked his head grinning and your heart dropped, "That's your last warning. You speak when spoken to"

You bit your lip as you began to tremble. Tears filled your eyes as you grew frustrated.

"Awe.. don't worry. I don't want to hurt you" he began to pat your head which only made your more angry but you knew the smart decision was to stay quiet.
He bent down beside you and smirked, "Let me guess..? You want to know where Nathan is huh?"

You looked up and he laughed.

"I thought so.."

Namor got and up and walked upstairs before returning shortly with something in his hand. Your eyes widened when you saw the object.
It was the smiley face mask except it was cracked and had blood all over it.

"I killed him!" He laughed and you froze. You began breathing heavy as you looked at the psycho who was overjoyed at your reaction. "I just figured we just weren't going to work well together. That's okay, you have me! Wasn't I your favorite?"

You began to sob as Namor held you with a smile. "Come on, answer the question. Aren't I your favorite?"

You couldn't respond as you dug your face into his shoulder with cries.
"Nathan.." you sobbed out. You couldn't process any of it. "No you killed him? You killed him.." you cried as Namor smiled.
"Don't tell me you're crying over that kidnapper?"
You began to shout, "NO! I'm crying because I'm stuck down here now with a psychotic bastard like you!! Atleast Nathan had some decency!!"

Namor frowned.

"Jesus you're a fucking baby. I guarantee I've been through worse and you're crying because the nice kidnapper has been killed?"
You screamed, "I don't care!! I don't care what the hell you've been through!! Just sell or kill me already you psychopath!!"

Namor began to wipe your tears which lightened his mood, "You're actually pretty"
"Don't touch me!!" You shouted kicking him which made him stumble back shocked.

Suddenly the basement door flew open and a tall male dressed in black ran down the stairs.
"What's wrong?? Namor what's going on?"

You looked in awe at the man. His skin was fair and face symmetrical. He had a mole by his lip. His hair was red and straight.. a ginger.
You looked at his eyes and he saw your tears.

"Namor what the fuck are you doing?! What is my mask doing down here? I've been looking for it.. Why is there blood..? Namor!!"
"What? Nathaniel I was just playing around. This girl takes everything so seriously" Namor smiled before winking at you.

"Nathan..?" you said and the ginger looked at you. His eyes were a deep brown.

"Great. Now she's seen my face Namor. Are you trying to get us arrested huh?"
"Whatever man I fed her like you said" Namor began walking upstairs but not before giving you one last look.

Nathan sighed and picked up the cracked mask.

"Jesus.. this is all going wrong" he glanced at you, "Why are you crying? What'd he do to you?"

You just stared shocked, "He said.. he killed you"
Nathan paused but began laughing, "What?! You think he could kill me? There's a reason I'm paired with a psycho like him"

You just stared at him without emotion.

"I want to go home Nathan.." your lip began to tremble, "It's not fun being tormented by that sicko. It's not fun. None of this. Crying because I think the guy who is nice to me but kidnapped me is dead. Crying because I think I will never see anyone I love again!"
He sighed, "I can't help you. It's nothing personal. Someone put a hit on you and we need the money. I don't know who alright so don't ask?"
"Namor said you haven't been able to get in contact with your boss!! This is the longest job you've had right?" You sat up speaking loudly, "How long will you keep me? What if the boss never responds?"

He bit his lip and glanced at the hair around your wrist, "Then you should be worried"

You covered your face frustrated. You reeked after not bathing for so long and you had to use the bathroom again. The food you ate wasn't terrible and overall you were proud of yourself for keeping your composure most of the time.
"What is it now?"
"I stink"
You sighed and looked at him and he avoided eye contact, "I need to use the bathroom too.. this dress is so thin and I'm so cold. Can I please take a hot shower?"
He covered his face with a sigh, "Someone's going to have to stay in the bathroom to make sure you don't try to kill yourself"
"What?! I won't do that!!" you shouted and Nathan laughed.

He undid your ropes and helped you up, "You may not, but we've had someone do it before so now boss makes it a rule. We can't have the product offing itself can we?"

You began walking up the stairs. Namor was sitting outside the door waiting for who you assumed Nathan.
"What the hell Nathan? Why is she out again?"
Nathan rolled his eyes, "She needs to bathe. It's been too long. Where are the toothbrushes?"
"Really?" Namor smiled, "Well I'll volunteer to watch her"
"In your dreams.." you spoke aloud before hiding behind Nathan.
"Don't act so bold now" Namor spat and Nathan rolled his eyes.

"Has boss called?"


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