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She sat on the toilet after annie had woken her up , they helped her into the shower helping wash the blood and brain matter out of her hair. no one said anything as they helped wash everything away only for ben to walk in holding clothes before they gave out he just shook his head his eye remained on her face , they didn't dare to roam anywhere else before leaving just as quick . she barely even blinked since it happened , she'd seen shit before but nothing as gore filled as that well not to the extent of that . " it happened so fast like he had a head and then boom gone" she mumbled. " yeah that shit never gets easy " annie wrapped the towel around her. " i can still feel it on my skin " began rubbing her skin almost raw . " ok ok it's ok " she held her close to her. " i can see why hughie loves you " she cried. " you like a carebear " she added. " come on but these on " annie put the top over her head before helping her with the sweat pants. " it's gonna be the star of my nightmares that for sure a fucked up compilation when i close my eyes at night " she droned on walking back down to the kitchen . she didn't even know who slid the glass of whiskey her way but she was grateful as it went down her throat . " hey would you be able to explain the whole hearing us thing while you were out might be a good distraction " frenchie asked. " let her just relax will ya " . " no it's ok really , he's right i mean it would be a good distraction " she smiled.

" at first i was locked in this nightmare , he would be standing there as well as the men i was looking into the likes of Todd and Headless down there , but their was other ones too , homelander would do his hole bullshitting taunting ugh well you know then he'd tell me to run and i would then i'd fall over a dead body one of you guys and when i'd walk i'd see each of you dead in different ways , then blonde ken doll of a supe would appear and they would attack and it would start over and over again , before it could start again it would like i was watching outside of something , looking in on a happy scene that my brain made so it was probably completely different to the reality , or me and annie shopping" she explain voice breaking before chuckling at the last of her words . " when i was sitting i'd say we go on more shopping trips once you woke up " annie smiled happily . " well then memories , plans whatever was said kept the bad part away , i mean it all helped " she flushed wondering about the ones with butcher meant . " i should of known mia and dad was here because the appeared suddenly too " she smiled softly. " dad? " hughie perked up . " well i mean i know you were talking about when we were kids the whole ice cream and making you push me on the swings , but then i watched as he and my mom sat in a rooms shit ton of lawyers " she explained . " so everything would be projected to you " ben asked curious . " yes your heroic stories made an appearance " she smiled. " fucking A " he cheered. "MM with his daughter so cute" she smiled fondly at the man . " they're my favourite too " . she couldn't help give butcher a coy smile as he shifted. " that is so cool" frenchie sat in awe . " i not gonna lie i think i would of woke up worse if it wasn't for them i mean if i was locked in a loop of being torture and tormented by homelander and those animals i probably would of rather not woke up at all " she stared at the empty glass . " come on you need rest " butcher stood walking to her side and leading her out .

" i don't wanna sleep" she stopped at the top of the stairs all he could see in her eye where just filled with fear . " how about we watch a movie then " he smiled softly earning a nod from her . she walked slowly her face paled slightly at the blood drops that led to her bedroom . again she was no stranger to death or even some gore incident like when she swung her heel in kevin's eye but that was nothing compared to when he whole head explode like a watermelon falling from a height . " ok princess pick your poison" he said sitting on the one of the chair still left by her bedside. " princess? " she smirked. " sorry is it angel or peanut" he chuckled . " peanut is off limits " she playfully glared . " well then princess it is, now pick the movie nothing too fucking sappy like you bird do " . " i was going to put on an action movie but for that i'm putting jane austen level of sappy love poetic political shit on " she mused picking up the remote . " yeah not happening or i will dive off that balcony give me the remote" he said reaching for it only for her to move more into the bed. " oh look this one lost captain finds his love" her voice reading the description with fake swoon to add. " give me that no taste at all " he said going for it but she again moved on the bed. " rich fucks and you gigantic beds " he huffed pulling his boots off before following her on the bed . " hey you've gigantic bed yourself " she glared at the man holding the remote . " i know i love it like sleeping on a cloud " he hands wrapping around her wrist before pulling her towards him closer this time she could feel his breath on her lips . " now be a good girl and give me that" he coax the remote out of her hand hearing her eyes dilating and her heart beat increase. . " now here we go , explosions and guns , jungle" he pulled away making her want to scream . " rambo really you cliche fuck " she snorted . " yeah yeah shut up and watch it princess" he turned to the tv hitting play . " fine but i'm picking the next one " she plopped down beside him . " hey fuckers what we watching " soldier boy walked in sitting right in the middle snickering at the glares both gave him .

Anything but sunshine and Rainbows ( BILLY BUTCHER X READERNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ