Family ties

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They explained shortest version of events as they got hughies dad in the car , at first he looked confused then sad in space of minutes as they drove , he said nothing barely even nodding as he watched the house come into view . only when the Suv was parked he stayed in the car was like his legs wouldn't move. " i'll talk to him go " billy patted hughie shoulder. He could see the man having an internal struggle the guilt evident in his face as it was staring at the house. " you ok mate" . " i don't know i mean should i even be here" . " do you want to be?" butcher asked. " i always did , what if she doesn't wake up or even better she does wake up how the fuck do i explain everything " he sighed. " by explaining it i mean better she knows , i only know her short time and i know family means everything to her , people she cares for mean everything to her so stop hiding and be a man for fuck sake cause even if she pissed she will hear you out just type of woman she is " butcher really was meaning not to come off harsh but it like once he started it just came out freely something he was hating more and more .  "did you find the guy that did it " he asked showing the brit how deep in though he really was and he couldn't help laugh . "  they just brought him to the basement he was in the boot the whole time  , now come on i'm freezing my bollocks off out here" he said opening the the door and the older man following as the two walk into the house. To see the rest of the gang heading up the stairs , soldier boy holding the  vile like it was most precious thing in the word none of them knew he could be so gentle  yet again it only ever came out since they came here. 

" it's going to take time  to enter her system so we just do what we did before and wait  could take another day  or two " MM put the syringe down .  " it's gonna to be ok " annie took hughies hand holding it tightly . " hi i'm mia " the woman smiled walking toward their dad . " nice to meet you are you friend of .. " he  stopped . " your daughter yeah " mia sat beside the man . " she told you about me?"  he almost was shocked at the revelation. " oh yeah  i was in a dark time  , she barely even knew me but this guy todd he kinda hurt me  left  me in a alleyway for dead ,Y/N  and her uncle before he got sick brought me back here  when i refused to go to the hospital ,  when i tried well lets not get into that she would stay up with me and tell me all about her life and i told her about mine " she smiled softly looking at her savour face tears falling down her cheek.  " she has this thing of trying to push people away  i mean i understand she wants to keep them safe but it must get lonely so i didn't let her  and i promised her uncle  i wouldn't let her " she smiled sadly.  " what's she like " hughie sr asked . " she's kind , funny  and so sassy  i mean shit .. sorry stuff she comes out with genius , she a boss ass bitch i mean she walked into a meeting of misogynist and came out converting some " Mia smiled . " yeah her insults to starlight at first  sorry but they were gold " MM Chuckled. " she brave too , i mean fearless kick ass brave and not afraid to back down even if she scared herself " annie added for mia to nod in agreement. " she traumatised , can't sleep , screams in her sleep , closed off " hughie stood suddenly pissed. " i mean you should know what kind of person she is instead of asking   and i mean no offense mia but a stranger about your own child , i mean at first i thought i was doing right by bringing you here but it's pissing me the fuck off  , you should know your child , how come you were a father to me and not her " he paced the room . " hey lets leave and give them privacy " annie winced leading everyone out.  " if she wake up  call us " ben said before walking out the door. 

" why weren't you there for her , i mean even if no one believed her about everything at the start still why weren't you there " hughie yelled. "  when i met her mother i thought she was single  so i started seeing her only to find out she was married some guy , she wasn't happy  and that's where i came in  then she got pregnant and at start we tried seeing if we worked but i wasn't good enough so she let me take Y/N every weekend or when she needed me too then she met walton and well the contact got less and less til she  got a lawyer to give court order to keep me away  , i tried and tried but the money side won and i had to stay back , when they were killed i tried to contact her again but she was  mad at me and i mean i don't blame her  i should of kept fighting but i gave up and then i cowarded away thinking maybe it was better if i stayed out of her life , i still sent cards and gift every year for christmas and her birthday " he sighed. " i mean it's fucked but i agree you should of fought harder , not like i can say much i was barely there for her either like the best big brother ever" hughie sat down . " you tried harder than i did " his father felt the lump forming in his throat.  " you stood up to it all  where as i lay down and took it all missed out on her life  , look at her she a woman now not the little girl that dropped ice cream everywhere " he smiled sadly.  " i think she done that more since you made it a game for her " hughie laughed. " i mean how could i not she was cutest little girl a man could have in his life " .  " she still is even when she's insulting me " hughie smiled .  " this time we don't lay down and die, this time we fight and stay " hughie said as his dad nodded . " this time we fight" . 

" no one yelling so where coming in  that mia one is like you mate" butcher walked in . "  i'm cuter though " mia sang sitting down . " better curls too " annie smirked . " hey " hughie exclaimed jokingly. " thanks it l'oreal for kids " mia beamed. "strawberry?"  . " how did you know " mia giggled . " had a feeling " butcher chuckled. " she's more colour in her face " ben stood over her .  " least he's good for something " . " why he do this ?" mia asked . " he wanted to frame homelander with her death  , he said he drugged her so she wouldn't feel it but i think it was bullshit since he had the antidote with him ".  " so they didn't catch on to what she was doing?" . " no they didn't so you can continue taking the bastards down " MM smiled.  " what bastard ?" hughie snr asked. " she was taking down corrupt businesses " annie explained.  " before she met me and i started helping  like a mole on inside of company  , i was in  , lucky for you i put in for vacation before i even met you guys " she chuckled. " then what were you doing that day when we saw you " . " seeing if anyone saw y/n " .  " how long is the vacation and shouldn't you be visiting your mom soon" starlight asked. "  a month i was going to go looking for Y/N myself  and   yeah who's dropping me off this time" she asked glancing at MM couple of times. " MM would you be a dear and drop our little mia to the hospital " frenchie smirked  . " of course let me know if she wake ups " his voice flustered as they walked out the room .  " how much we betting they fuck " frenchie winked. " probably are on the stairs" butcher shook his head. " are you her boyfriend" hughies dad asked looking at soldier boy . " no  just my friend , i mean i'd fuck her if she asked but we both know its just platonic sort of thing  ... christ i sound like a fucking hallmark pansy bullshit movie " he grimaced.  "nah it nice but could of left the part out about fucking her " he smiled awkwardly.  " being honest" soldier boy shrugged. as they all took their seat again  doing their new routine and waited . 

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