Chapter One: The copycat transferee

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"Good afternoon, everyone. I am so happy to introduce to all of you our new transferee. Ah...will you please introduce yourself, tell us your hobbies as long as you can for us to know you."

It is a female fucking transferee.

"Good afternoon everyone, Ms. Lilly. I'm so happy to be here today. Uh.. first of all, my name is Lilly-Kaye Smith Carlsen. I am from New York City. You can call me Lilly, or Kaye or it's okay if it's as long as you're comfortable with it. Uhm... I'm 18 years of age and was currently living in the same place as this school. Well....uh, my hobbies are...playing online games and virtual, and don't worry 'coz I can easily adapt new hobbies so I hope we all get along. I also had nothing in particular and... I guess that would be all? Uhm, thank you..."

She smiled and bowed her head.

What a small fucking coincident. We just had the same fucking style.

She was wearing civilian clothes colored purple T-shirt printed with white letters CLASSIC on the chest, paired with navy blue loose jeans. And I didn't know we would wear the same.

There were CLASSIC t-shirts with different colors, why would she wear purple? And why the hell would she wear that kind of jeans when I am also wearing the same?

Soon after, I stared at the empty seat beside me, and I know, she'll for sure take that seat.

Quickly, I place my backpack on it to occupy that seat.

She shouldn't sit next to me, or at least even horribly fucking think.

Because people are malicious.

"Thank You miss Carlsen, now you can take your seat."

I was there, confidently sitting, knowing she can't make herself to sit beside me.

But then, I was just doomed to be so unlucky today. On the other side was also an empty seat, which was Jennilei's seat. But then, I think she hasn't come yet.

I told her. "A... ah, sorry. Somebody had got this seat."

"Ma'am?! Sorry! If I'm late....." she gasps.

She has come. Jennilei has come, gasping as she throw herself drastically on the seat.

Thank goodness, she came. Such an angel of mercy from the cloudy heaven.

"Ah...please, Mr. Edwards, take your stuff away to make that seat empty."

Shit! Damn it! How did she notice it?

I shyly took my stuff as then, she take her seat....fucking beside me.

On my other side was Jennilei. Still fixing her seat in a very drastic manner. Her backpack was just too massive and she used to be super casual to everything and so to everybody around her.

Seriously? I don't want to sit besides this transferee here and she has my same fucking style!! ugh!

Jennilie suddenly uttered. "Hi?" she ask that person on my damn side.

Seriously? She does not need to notice her. Ugh! Why are ladies super blunty?

"Hello." The transferee replied, smiling.

Then, Jennilei replied. "I'm Jennilei Kath Smith Thompson. Call me Kath."

She offered her a shake hand on my damn front! On my fucking front!

"I'm Lilly-Kaye Smith Carlsen. You can call me anything you want."

Seriously? They don't need to shake their hand, nor introduce. They'll knew it later, anyway. Ugh! Ladies.

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