Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Paige POV

I slammed the door with gusto, and I had a small spring in my step. The entire dining table looked at me. A smile spread over my lips as I pulled the chair with a loud brawl on the polished hardwood floor. I was still aware of the numerous stares even after I sat down.

"Something fascinating." My father's bored tone appeared. My father, Noel, an Alpha of the Bright Moon pack, spoke in a deep tone. All alphas do. They usually snarled to demonstrate their authority and might.


"So that would be." My mother's sweet voice inquired. My mother, Willow, a Luna of the Bright Moon pack, murmured softly, as though she were consoling her kid.

She looks out for everyone and provides balance to her partner, the snarling alpha.

"It's big news." I nodded with a smile, my purple eyes glancing at everyone who was waiting for the great announcement.

"Today I was in the forest, correct?"

Everyone exhaled. "You're constantly in the forest," Emilia, my sister, said. We are great friends, but we aren't the sort to spend all of our time together. We ride and die till the end. She was the oldest sister by only one year.

"And no one wants to hear the entire version, only for you to say you saw a fairy again, for the last time, Paige, fairies aren't real." Devon said.

Devon is Jadon's son and the second-in-command. We reside in a pack home where all of the higher-ups and their families live. This leads to a hectic meal every night.

"If we're here, then they're here. So, why don't you grab that fork and shove—" I felt a hard slap on my lips and realized it was my father. I glared. He let out a snarl. I grumbled and sank onto the hard dining chair.

"What have you seen today?" My mother spoke softly in a whisper.

"I saw my mate. It's a woman and she—" I hushed up when I heard my father's shout, which made the entire house tremble slightly.

"What did you see?!" He exclaimed.

"My mate, dad. It's a woman. She seems a little older, but you—"

"She is not your mate."

"Yes, she is. We touched, and I felt a spark. Is that what it means to touch someone and feel a spark?

A couple at the table nodded, but after my father yelled, there nods transformed into head shake of No's.

"She is not supposed to be anywhere near you!"

"Dad." I giggled. "You are being silly. We're supposed to be together."

"No, you're meant to be with someone else. Not her."

"She's my mate. Mom." I reached out to her for assistance. Whenever my father wanted to continue his disagreement, I generally called out to my mother, who understands how to calm things down.

I, like my father, have a strong personality and want to do things my way.

"Paige, I believe you should listen to what you—"

"What!" I exclaimed. "I know she's a rogue, but she's my mate."

"I don't want a banish alpha here. This pack can only store two alphas, one of which is me." He roared and stood, his huge height casting a shadow over everyone, even me.

"Do you hear me?!"

My wolf groaned. "Yes, Father."

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