What The Pogo-Sticks

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Oh graduation. What a wonderful time.

Those were my first thoughts when I woke up that morning. Little did I know that the day would not turn out to be the day I had imagined ever since I was little.

After I almost broke my alarm for waking me up so early, I turned over and guess what I saw laying next to me.

Was it my pillow?


Was it a llama?

No it wasn't and even it it was I probably wouldn't of freaked out.

Instead it was the one and only Christopher Payton.

So I did what any normal person would do if they they saw a person lying in bed with them.

I screamed.

And then I might have kicked him off the the bed.

Pretty hard, if I might add.

"Oh my god! Chris, are you ok?" I screamed while he rolled on the floor groaning.

"What the hell was that for, Maddie? Ow. I'm pretty sure you punctured a lung. That hurt like hell." He said slowly getting up.

"I'm really sorry. But, wait...what are you doing in my bed. Didn't I tell you that this was my room?" I said. But after seeing his annoying little smirk, I said,"You know what don't even answer that. It doesn't even matter, we only have 3 hours until graduation so we need to get up and start getting ready."

After forcing the man child to leave my room so I could get dressed, I was worriedly searching for the perfect dress to wear.

After graduation me and my friends were going to attend a huge party thrown by one of Chris' annoying friends. So I needed to pick a good one.

An hour later I was just finishing my hair and makeup and in the process of taking off my robe to put on my dress, when Chris urgently bursted into the room and made everything completely awkward.

"OH MY GOD CHRIS WHAT THE FUCK!!" I yelled so loud that the whole neighborhood probably heard me.

Meanwhile he completely froze. Like an idiot. Here I was completely naked for the world to see, and he just stands there like the statue of David or some shit.

"WHY ARE YOU STANDING THERE, LEAVE...NOW!" I said finally coming to my senses and kicked him out.

After him leaving I was mortified, but continued to get ready. When we finally made it out of the house no eye contact was made. Zero. Also accompanied by complete silence.

The car ride was brutal and filled with awkwardness, but when we arrived I went with my friend and he went with his just like everything was back to normal.


Graduation was amazing. It was filled with lots  of tears, but also lots of smiles and I had finally accepted the fact that I was becoming an adult. 

Chris and I were both going to college in state so we didn't have to worry about leaving our house. Annie and Morgan were also attending school with us so we weren't really saying our goodbyes.

"Ahhhh! I can't believe high school is over. We did it. Yay!" Morgan yelled as she ran up to me.

"Now we have to just endure another lovely four years of college. Yay!" I sarcastically replied.

"Well technically now we have to get ready for the party that Justin is throwing tonight," said Annie as she walked up to us.

In that moment I realized that they both were still unaware of the fact the I was getting married, and the guilt bubble was forming in my brain.

Shit it's uncomfortable.

"Well guys actually I wanted to talk to you about something really important and then we can go to the party," I said quietly trying to get myself out this guilt as quickly as possible.

They both agreed and we headed to my house and boy were they surprised when we pulled up.

"Woah Maddie where the hell are we this isn't your house," Annie said surprised.

"Well actually this is one of the things I wanted to talk about let's go inside and talk," I reasoned trying to almost push them inside the house.

After sitting them in the couch and having to explain to them the whole situation for over an hour, I just watched their faces after the initial shock.

"WHAT THE POGO-STICKS DO YOU MEAN YOUR GETTING MARRIED! AND TO THAT DOUCHE AS WELL! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US SOONER!" Morgan screamed slightly scaring me considering the fact had changed emotions so quickly.

Girls. Gotta love their mood swings.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2018 ⏰

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