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In the white hallway, Blue was walking around, "I don't know what that was about, but it was super weird..." he said, "It made my head hurt... much like her name and her parents' names..." Blue shook his head, "I dunno, it just... doesn't feel right..." he continued.

Blue remembered something, "Well... I think Ruby is a nice lady..." Green said, "And with the time I've spent with her... I have developed feelings for her."

Blue hit the palm of his hand with his other hand, "I need to get Ruby and Green together..." he said, "But how?" As Blue looked to the left, he spotted the robot; he thought of something, "I think I have an idea..." he said.

As time passed, Red was whistling while holding a cup of coffee in his hand. As Red entered the lab, he noticed the robot was gone, making his eyes widen and drop his coffee cup, "Oh no! Where did the robot go!?" he shouted.

Red noticed a note on the lab table and walked toward it. Red picked the note up, "I'm borrowing your robot for an idea I came up with signed Blue." he read.

Red clenched the paper, "Damn it, Blue; you have no idea what you're doing." he said before tossing the note away and leaving the lab.

(Time Skip)

At ODD World, Blue hid behind a tree by the Ferris Wheel with the robot beside him holding a controller, "Looks like a controller you would use for toy cars." he said. Blue looked forward, At any point, they'll show up soon. he thought.

(Flashback Begins)

Blue looked around before walking toward a closed door. After Blue placed the note on the ground, he quickly knocked on the door before running away.

When Blue was out of sight, Ruby opened the door and looked around; she looked down and saw the note. Ruby was surprised as she picked the note up and opened it, "What's this?" she asked herself.

Blue tried catching her breath before sighing, "Are you alright, Blue?" he flinched and turned to the source. Blue saw Green, making him sigh a bit, "Besides scaring the shit out of me, I'm fine." he said. Green nervously chuckled, "Apologies for that." he said.

Blue shook his head, "It's alright." he said before looking at Green, "More importantly, I need to tell you something." Green tilted his head, "Oh?" he asked. Blue nodded, "Ruby wants to meet up with you at ODD World." he said.

Green was surprised, "What for?" he asked. Blue shrugged his shoulders, "She only asked me to tell you to meet her at ODD World." he said.

Green hummed a bit, "Alright, thank you for telling me this." he said. Blue nodded as he walked away; unbeknownst to Green, he was grinning, Phase One, Complete. he thought.

(Flashback Ends)

Blue smiled, "Now it's time for Phase Two: them meeting up and getting them together." he said. Blue heard footsteps, making him poke his head out of the tree; he spotted Ruby soon after. Ruby looked around, "Hello." she said, "Anyone here?"

As Ruby walked forward, she spotted a blanket lying on the ground, making her hum, "Interesting..." she said lowly. "Ruby?" Ruby turned to the voice and saw Green. Ruby was surprised, "What are you doing here?" she asked.

Green looked in Ruby's direction, "I was told that you wanted to talk to me." he said. Ruby crossed her arms, "I see... by any chance, do you know who said it to you?" she asked. Green nodded, "It was Blue who said it." he said.

Ruby sighed, "Figures..." she said before sitting on the blanket. Green walked in Ruby's direction, "You don't seem pleased about it." he said. Ruby sighed as Green sat on the blanket, "I had a feeling this was one of Blue's schemes." she said.

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