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At ODD World, a frat guy with short, black hair wearing a letterman jacket and a frat guy with long, blonde hair wearing a red shirt stopped by the river while catching their breath, "What the hell was that, man!" the black-haired frat guy shouted.

The blonde-haired frat guy at the black-haired frat guy, "I dunno, man; coming here was a mistake!" he shouted, "Let's just get out of here!?"

The black-haired frat guy was shocked, "And leave our boys behind!?" he shouted, "Hell no, man; we don't leave members of Kappa Kappa Pi!?"

The blonde-haired frat guy turned away and walked forward, "It's your funeral, man! I'm getting out of here and calling the police!" he shouted. The blonde-haired frat guy heard no response, slightly scaring him, "C'mon, Steve, don't leave a man hanging!" he shouted.

The blonde-haired frat guy heard gurgling, making his blood go cold. The blonde-haired slowly turned his head to the back and saw Steve's body on the ground with a pool of blood forming around his neck.

The blonde-haired frat guy was terrified, "Y'know... your friend was very admirable..." he looked forward, and his eyes widened when he saw Ruby with Steve's head in her hand, "It seems like he'd risk his life to save his fellow friends..."

Ruby tossed Steve's head to the side, "That's why I gave him a quick death." she continued, "Maybe not painless, but very quick." Ruby glared at the blonde-haired frat guy, "Your death, however, will not be quick..." she said.

The blonde-haired frat guy panicked and ran away, making Ruby grin and get on all fours, "I like it when they run." she said before sprinting forward.

Soon after, Ruby caught up to the blonde-haired frat guy and sank her teeth into his right calf, making him scream and collapse; she tore it off and ate everything but the foot. Ruby got close to the blonde-haired frat guy's neck and sank her teeth in, making him scream.

Soon after, Ruby tore the flesh off and ate it, killing the frat guy, "That's better; your screams were getting annoying." she said. Ruby's ears twitched a bit, making her stop eating and getting her claws ready.

Ruby turned around and tried slashing with her right hand but stopped when she saw Blue panic and hold his arms up, "Woah, woah, woah! Same side, remember!?" he shouted.

Ruby was surprised, "Blue." she said before pulling her arm back and retracting her claws, "What are you doing here?"

Blue lowered his arms, "Well, we were gonna come here so Yellow could confess to Cyan until we saw the frat boys." he said, "Red showed up on a screen in a tree and told us to keep only five alive so he could experiment on them."

Ruby looked at the corpses, "I see..." she said lowly; Blue looked at her, "We understand if you don't want to partake in what Red said after what he did..." he said.

Ruby crossed her arms, "Red may be crude... but he's not heartless." she said, surprising Blue, "If he wanted to, he could've experimented on my parents without me knowing, but he didn't."

Ruby looked down, "Part of me hates saying it, but... I'm grateful that he made it into a challenge instead of cold-heartedly killing them." she continued, "Therefore, I owe him a lot."

Blue was amazed, "You're a very kind person." he said. Ruby slightly blushed and looked away, "Thanks..." she said lowly. Ruby sniffed the air, "I smell some more humans." she said before following the scent, "Follow me." Blue nodded as he followed Ruby.

(Time Skip)

Cyan walked near the Ferris wheel area, "There's gotta be more of those frat guys around here somewhere..." she said lowly.

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