New Life

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In the middle of the night, a blue car drove on the road in a forest. A young man with blue hair drove the car while the young woman with red hair looked out the window.

The young woman smiled, "I can't believe you're taking me to ODD World of all places." she said before looking at the young man, "How did you even get the money for this?"

The young man smiled, "I've been working a bit of overtime at work so I can earn enough to take my lovely gemstone to the best place in town." he said.

The young woman giggled as she playfully punched the young man's arm, "You sly dog, you didn't have to do that for me." she said.

The young man looked at the young woman, "Of course I did; you and your family were super busy at the bakery these past weeks." he said, "Consider this the long break you deserve."

The young woman smiled, "Thank you, Ben." she said before kissing his cheek. Ben smiled, "Anytime, my lovely Ruby." he said.

At the fork of the road, a sign in the middle with the words 'ODD World' pointed to the theme park on the left. Unbeknownst to the vehicle, a dark figure turned the arrow from left to right before hiding in a bush.

The vehicle turned to the right and was on a dirt road soon after. As they drove further into the forest, Ruby looked out the window, "Uh... are you certain this is where the theme park is?"

Ben looked out his window with a hum, "I think it is... maybe I took a wrong turn or something." When Ruby looked forward, she spotted a deer, making her eyes widen, "Watch out!" she shouted.

Ben panicked before looking forward and swerving to the right, dodging the deer; they saw a tree soon after, "Oh shit!" he shouted before pressing the brake. Soon after, they crashed into the tree, deploying the airbags and knocking them out.




Ruby was lying unconscious in a bed; she groaned before opening her eyes. Ruby sat up a bit and looked around, "Where... am I...?" she asked herself. Ruby heard the door open, making her turn her head to it.

Ruby saw the doctor along with a man with black hair and a woman with red hair, "Ruby!" they shouted before entering the room. The two adults hugged Ruby, "Mamma... Papá... where am I?" she asked.

The doctor walked toward the group, "You're currently in the hospital." he said, making Ruby look at him, "A group that was driving by found your boyfriend's car crashed against the tree and called an ambulance."

Ruby looked at the doctor, "What about Ben? Is he alright?" she asked. The doctor frowned a bit before looking away, "About that... they said when they got close to the car... they only found you." he said. Ruby froze, "What..." she said lowly.

The doctor looked at Ruby, "Not to worry; police are investigating Ben's whereabouts." he said. Ruby looked down and nodded, "I'll leave you and your parents be and see the test results." the doctor continued before leaving the room.

The parents let go of Ruby, "The nerve of the guy, leaving my poor Ruby out there all on her own!" her father shouted, "When I get the chance to see him, I'll knock his teeth in!"

The mother held the father's hand, "Calm down, mi amore... it's possible that he recovered first and tried to help her." she said, "You shouldn't jump to conclusions." The father sighed, "You're right; I'm sorry..." he said.

Ruby looked down, distraught; the father placed his hand on her shoulder, making her look at him, "Don't worry; they'll find him... I'm sure of it." he said. Ruby looked down and nodded as silence filled the room.

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