Owed (Part 2)

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Josie and Lizzie argue about Josie's decision with Hope and the brunette tells her off, while Hope and Josie get to know each other on the way to the Casino. G!p Hope.


With Josie

It's been two days since Josie came up with the idea of having Casino night. Josie hasn't spoken to her father in days, she doesn't want to hear what he has to say. She's pissed at him right now, until this whole debt thing with Hope is over.

Josie is in her room trying to figure out her outfit for tonight, her sister wasn't to fond of the plan at first, but she did reconsider when Josie told her, Hope said she was going to kill her at first.

Josie is not even going to lie, she finds Hope hella attractive and she's ready for her, but she has some questions for the tribrid.

Lizzie was pissed when she found out that Josie is willing to have sex with Hope, Josie and Lizzie argued for an hour over Josie's decision and Lizzie was shocked to hear so much profanity come out of her sisters mouth.

Mg was okay with the deal because he said he was too sexy and chocolate to die, and that made Josie laugh because even in a serious situation, Mg always finds a way to make her laugh.

As for the rest of the squad, they didn't want to die, so they all decided to support Josie.

Lizzie walks out of the bathroom with a Pink dress shirt on, some black slacks, with some suspenders.

"I'm surprised you haven't called Hope." The blonde snarks.

Josie rolls her eyes. "You're really testing my patience Lizzie, Hope knows what time to come and pick us up. Why do care if I called her?"

"Because of you having sex with her!" Lizzie growls.

"It's my body my choice!" Josie yells at her sister.

"I can't believe you're actually doing it!" Lizzie yells.

"Blame dad, not me! He's the one who got us into the situation in the first place! Go yell at him, if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all! My mind is made up." Josie glares at her sister.

"Ugh! This is not how I wanted my Friday night to go! I wanted to spend time with Mg." Lizzie complains.

"You will, look all we have to do is win tonight, with our magic, and we're free." Josie said calmly as she puts on her white dress shirt.

"How could dad owe the most dangerous supernatural in the world 950,000 dollars?!" Lizzie exclaims.

"He's stupid, that's why and he's a drunk. Dad has a lot of debt with a lot of people, Hope just so happened to be one of them. We're lucky she didn't kill us, I had to do this for us Lizzie. I didn't want to die by Hope's hand because of dad's foolishness." Josie said as she puts on her skirt.

Lizzie sighs as she puts on her earrings on. "I know Jo, I'm sorry for getting upset. I just want this to work. Don't get me wrong I love playing Gin Rummy, but damn I just hope I don't pick up dads bad habits."

"You won't Lizzie. Besides, Hope kept her word. She won't hurt us." Josie sprays some perfume on.

Someone knocks on their door. Josie opens it and it's Hope and her boys.

"Ready?" Hope asked the brunette.

Josie nods. "Yeah, we're done."

"So hot shot, are you going to playing or watching?" Lizzie asked.

Hope chuckles. "I may play a little bit, but this is your father's problem. He's lucky to have amazing daughters like you two. I won't kill anyone, but that's only if you win tonight."

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