Josie's Plan

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Josie avoids Hope after she and Landon get back together, but Hope wants Josie back in her life. So Josie comes up with a plan. 


With Josie the morning after 

Josie is getting ready for her classes, and she's looking for notebook that has her songs in it. she has music class later and she's going to need it. 

Josie remembers she left it in Landon's room.

"Fuck." Josie said as she slips her converse on. 

"Hey sis, I'm going to go and grab breakfast." Lizzie said as she was about to leave.

"Lizzie hold on, I need your help with a plan." Josie said.

Lizzie grins. "Oooo, tell me sis." Lizzie said rubbing her hands together.

Josie tells Lizzie her plan and the blonde is impressed. After discussing the plan with Lizzie, the blonde leaves to go get breakfast while Josie continued to get ready. 

Josie grabs her bag and heads out of her room. She sees Landon and Hope holding hands in the hallway. Josie sighs as she begins to walk down the hallway.

Hopefully this plan will work. Josie just has to be strong about this. 

"Just ignore them." Josie said in her head. Josie continues to walk until she hears someone call out her name.

"Morning Jo." Landon said nicely. 

Josie looks at him scoffing as she walks away from him. 

Landon goes after her. "Jo wait."

"Don't call me that!" Josie yells at him. 

Josie's yelling causes everyone to look at them.

"Josie look I..."

"Don't talk to me ever again! I hate you!" Josie said with tears filling her eyes.

Landon swallows the lump in his throat. "I'm sor..."

"She said not to talk to her hobbit!" Lizzie yells wrapping her arms around her sister. "You've done enough damage." Lizzie glares at him. 

Hope walks up to them. "Jo can we talk?" Hope asked the brunette. 

Josie looks at Hope with a cold look. "Talk? You want to fucking talk, Hope?!" Josie yells angrily. 

Hope looks down in shame. "Jo, I'm sorry."

Josie shakes her head. "You broke my heart Hope, I thought you cared about me, our friendship?" 

Hope reaches out to touch Josie's hand, but Lizzie smacks it away. 

"Get lost Mikaelson! You and your chicken sandwich. I'm tired of you two hurting my sister!" Lizzie said bitterly. 

Hope feels her heart break. "Jo, please."

"You're not allowed to call me that neither! Only the ones who love and care about me are allowed to call me Jo! I HATE YOU HOPE!" Josie yells with tears falling down face. 

Hope has tears falling down her face. "I didn't mean to hurt you Josie, I swear."

"Yeah right. It's been like that ever since he came to this school." Josie glares at her. Josie turns to Landon. "Why are even still here? Why can't you stay dead?!" Josie pushes Landon with all of her strength making him stumble. 

Landon's heart clenches at Josie's words. "Josie, you don't mean that."

"I do!" Josie yells. "I want you gone! And this time stay the fuck out of the school! I hate you Landon! with every bone in my body and I hate you too hope! Stay away from me! Don't even think about me!" Josie screams as she walks away from the two people who betrayed her. 

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