Hope's Hurt

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Set in season 3. Hope gets hurt during a fight with a Malivore monster and it leaves her extremely damage, and the super squad have no idea how to heal her. 

P.S. Finch and Josie are in a relationship, and Landon is is not in the prison world. It will not last long. 


With Josie 

Josie is sitting on the couch with her legs over Finch's lap. Josie and Finch are talking about colleges. 

"Josie!!!" MG yells for the young witch.

Josie turns to where MG is and she sees that MG has Hope in his arms. "MG! Hope!" Josie takes her legs off of Finch's lap and runs over to them. 

Alaric walks in with Raf who's carrying Landon in. Kaleb has his arms wrapped around Lizzie's and Jed's necks. 

MG lays her down. "Hope." MG looks down at her with sad eyes.

Josie gasps when she sees Hope. Hope has scratches all over her face, a cut on her lip, cheek, and eyebrow. She has a black eye, and bruises and cuts all over her body.

"What the hell happened?!" Josie asked sitting down on the floor. 

"Hope jumped in front of Landon, when a reaper tried to attack him. The reaper blasted Landon back knocking him out, and the reaper did some damage to Hope." MG said angrily.

MG is so fucking tired of Hope saving Landon all the time. 

"Why isn't she healing?" Josie asked putting Hope's head onto her lap.

MG shrugs. "Fuck I didn't realize that. The reaper blasted this red wave at Hope, it probably stopped her healing process." MG is holding Hope's hand. 

"Shit!" Josie strokes Hope's face. "Hope? Hopey!" Josie shakes her a little.

Hope is barley breathing. "Jo." Hope said weakly. "It hurts." Hope said with tears in her eyes. 

"I know sweetie, do you need my blood?" Josie asked raising up her sleeve.

"Why are you giving her your blood?" Finch asked with an attitude.

"She's my best friend Finch, I'm not going to let her die!" Josie said angrily. 

"It won't work. We need a spell." Hope said tiredly. 

"Fuck, Finch grab my phone, I need to call someone." Josie has tears in her eyes. 

"Who do you need to call?" Finch asked with snark in her tone. 

"Bitch, will you just grab the damn phone?!" Lizzie yells at her. 

Finch rolls her eyes, and grabs Josie's phone from the table. She walks back over to hand it to her.

She grabs it and dials a  familiar number, she puts it on speaker.

"Hi Josie." Freya greets with a smile.

"F-r-r-reya." Josie cries.

"Josie? What's going on?" Freya asked in concern.

"Aunt Freya." Hope groans as she starts to cough. 

"Hope?! Hope what is going on?!" Freya asked with sad eyes. 

"Freya, Hope got hurt with a reaper, and he blasted Hope with a red wave and it she can't heal because of it." Josie said to her. 

"What?!" Freya shrieks. "Josie, listen to me does Hope have a mark on her stomach." Freya asked as she looks in her books. 

Josie raises up Hope's ripped shirt, and sees the mark. "Yes, she has one. What is this?" Josie asked. "Some of her scars have a white purplish color on them." Josie said. 

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