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This chapter will touch on harsh topics!! ⚠️

The boy's eyes shot open as he scanned the faces that hovered above him.
'A Fox?  And who is this strange man?..'

The boy thought to himself as he quickly shot up, preparing himself for a fight. He was a very thin and frail child, and looked completely malnourished.
He began to hiss and stand in a very hostile manner.

'Just what the hell is up with this kid..'
Kasei thought to himself as a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead.
"Who..who are you? Where am I?!" He began to scream as he pulled a small ninja star from his shorts pocket.
"Woah, it's okay, kid." Kasei said quietly as he tried to calm him down. He didn't feel threatened by the puny boy, but he just didn't feel like fighting at the moment.
"Answer me!"
"Look.. we're just as confused as you are, kid. What's your name anyways?"
"You don't need to know my name, enemy!" The child said as he began to swing at Kasei. Dosei put her guard up, ready to attack but Kasei just grabbed the kids arm, gently squeezing it.
The boy winced in pain, tears filling his eyes almost instantly as he slightly shrieked in agony .
Kasei noticed his change in demeanor and quickly let go, as the kid fell to the ground. By now he had taken off the cloak and his body was fully visible. Kasei sat next to him as he sat there crying, and whining.
"My name...is Hineru."
Kasei stayed silent to these news as he stared at Hineru for a moment, before finally speaking.
"Where did you come from, and why are you wearing...that ?"
"I was.. sent here..to take you out..or something." Hineru replied as he took off the wrapping from his eyes, revealing his  heterochromia.
"Your eyes..." Dosei pointed out in a shocked tone.
"Did she just.."
"Talk? Yeah.. once she starts she never stops."
"Yeah yeah, I can talk. Now about your eyes. They're so unique.."
"Yeah, I don't know exactly where I get them from..but it usually makes me stand out."
"Who..sent you here again?" Kasei questioned with a raised eyebrow.
"The man with the cloak.." Hineru responded in a Hoarse whisper.
Dosei and Kasei looked at eachother before turning their attention back to the mysterious boy.
"You have connections to him? How do you know him?" Kasei asked in a slightly aggressive tone.
"He is......my father."

Both Kasei and Dosei shouted in shock and disbelief.
"I'm nothing like him, I swear! I hate him.. he's the reason she's gone..."
Kasei stayed silent while Dosei began to ask questions. "The reason who's gone?" She asked compassionately, as she walked up to him and sat in the other side of him.
A cold hard silence filled the air for a solid 45 seconds before Hineru took a deep breath in.

"I...had a sister. Ami."
No one responded, they just listened.
"My father...that man, Would beat on us whenever we didn't do things exactly his way. He'd starve us, and make us go hours going on an entire day of work. He was not new to murder, and would often make us witness his crimes. I remember him telling my sister she was his favorite, and that's why she had to go stay with his friends for a while. I remember hearing her screams, and cries as my father's friends would do whatever they would do while he made me watch ...and despite all she went through, she kept a smile on her face... she was my hope..my light... I remember her telling me stories of our mother, and how she was so beautiful and sweet. Of course I was too young to remember anything about mother... I miss Ami..I remember her being so pale and malnourished that her body literally shut down on her. I will never, EVER forgive that man for what he did to us.

Kasei stayed quiet as he clenched his fist tightly, and stood up. "Dosei..we need to get a move on."
"Now? We can't leave him here."
"Then you can stay here, with him, but I'm not going to continue to let time pass by that this thing stays free."
"Let me come with you..please!"
"No way, you couldn't even land a hit on me, and I'm not even that strong." Kasei said in a rough tone.
"I know I'm not that strong.. but PLEASE. I...I can be useful!" Hineru begged. His eyes began to tear up again., to which Kasei ignored. He began to pack a bag quickly, before calling Dosei to his side so they could set out on their journey.
"Wait!..you won't know where to find him, I could be the tool that helps you cut down on time.. please.. I know things about him no one else does!" Hineru shouted. This made Kasei think about the boys words. He stood there with his back facing him for a bit before turning around.
"You're only a tool. I hope you don't think i actually trust you. For all I know you could be a psycho killer sent by him." He said p, as he walked up to Hineru. "Don't get comfortable, because if I feel threatened in the slightest, it's your life." He said as he put a red zip up jacket into the kids hands and turned to walk out of the door. Hineru watched as kasei walked out of the little cabin door. Dosei smiled at him as she motioned for him to come on with her head before following behind Kasei.
Hineru smiled at Dosei's small act of kindness before running behind the two, putting on the jacket while doing so.


End! Not much of an end note today! Sorry for any typos!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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