Chapter 7

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    Hyunjin's Pov

I guess it doesn't really matter what happens at work at the end of the day, as long as I still have my Kkami.

I got done with walking Kkami pretty quickly. So I came back inside and took him off his leash, "How was that, Kkami?" He looked at me with his wide eyes and I let out a small laugh, "I'll take that as 'it was good'." I put the leash on a counter and looked out the window that was right above it. I saw it was already starting to get dark, it was only six. That's pretty weird.. Oh, It's because it's turning into winter, so the days will get shorter. That's going to be nice, I'd probably get to sleep easier if it got dark quicker, goddamn insomnia. It's something I've had since forever, I can't remember a time where I was able to get to sleep easily. It's honestly a constant battle of whether I'll get sleep or not.

I snapped my fingers to get Kkami's attention, he looked at me, with confusion. I pointed to his dog bed. I trained him enough when he was still a puppy, so now when I point to his bed he knows it's about time for him to go to sleep. He walked over to his bed, going in circles a few times before finding a nice spot to sleep for the night. I headed to the bathroom, grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste and started brushing my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror, my eyebags were slowly becoming more noticable. That's not good, I've spent all this time hiding them, it ruins the point if you can see them through concealer.

I was able to brush my teeth and get dressed in my pajamas in about five minutes, a record time. I smiled to myself, laying down on my bed, and putting the sheets over myself. I put my head on my pillow to face the wall, I don't know why, but when I face my wide open room, it gives me the heebie-jeebies. I pulled a pillow to my stomach and hugged it. I took in slow deep breaths trying to calm my system to be able to get to sleep.

I guess it worked, because for the first time in a long while, I was able to get to sleep without any struggle. I sat up, doing my morning ritualistic Instagram check. There were no new notifications, which was surprising. I looked at the date, realizing that today was the first day of me working at Stray Appliances. I let out a gasp of surprise, this was going to be one stressful day. I threw my legs to the other side of the bed, letting my feet dangle a few inches above the ground. Thinking of all the possibilities of things that could go wrong, but now's not the time for this, Hyunjin! I shook my head, pulling myself out of my negative thoughts. I already worked on positive thoughts, keep that going Hyunjin! I thought to myself with a positive attitude, yelling to myself in my head.

I got ready pretty quickly, taking a shower, brushing my teeth, and drying my hair. I was standing a few feet away from my bed, looking in my closet for clothes to wear. I'm too sure what the 'dress code' is. I'll need to ask Felix. I grabbed my phone, calling Felix's number. Felix picked up after only two rings, "What is it Hyunjin?" I answered him, thinking to myself almost forgetting what I was calling to ask, "Oh. Mr. Lee, what should I wear?" Felix chuckled slightly, "Well first, no need to be so formal. Call me Felix, even at work. You calling me 'Mr.Lee' makes me feel old." I laughed before he continued, "Just wear regular clothes, Seungmin will give you the uniform when you get here. Remember eight." I nodded to myself, "Okay! Thank you Felix!" He hung up after I finished talking.

I chose some clothes from my closet now that I knew that I didn't need to wear anything special. I picked out a black slightly cropped turtleneck, and some dark blue wide legged jeans. To the left of me on my nightstand, there was a pile of my favorite rings. I grabbed my absolute favorite one that had a couple stars on it, I always had an obsession with stars. I really want to go somewhere where you can see the stars well, it's been my dream ever since I was younger. I smiled at the ring, putting it on my left index finger. I put on a thin chain choker, and a longer one underneath it. I looked at my mirror, practicing my smile. A kid in my eighth grade class always said I had a bad smile.

When I was finally finished looking at myself in the mirror, I grabbed my phone and keys. I left my apartment, putting a smile on my face. Make today a good day, Hyunjin.


Hello!! I'm sorry for not updating yesterday, I wasn't able to find motivation.  But I promise I'll do my best to update this story every day, or at least every other day!! By the way, I'm sorry for such a late chapter!

With that scene where Hyunjin was practicing his smile, I was thinking of when Lee Know was looking at his reflection, and telling it to smile 😭😭 

Thank you all for almost 300 reads!! This story is growing so quick, I am so happy this is going well! I was worried this would be a washed up book. Let me know if I should do more Straykids stories in the future!!

I love you all!!<33 Have a good day/night!!

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