Chapter 1

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Hyunjin's Pov: 

     I woke up to my really loud alarm. I know that's the point of having one, but couldn't it do that in a nicer way? Nonetheless, I got up and stretched, I felt my shoulders pop, giving me a small feeling of relief. I let out a satisfied sigh and got up. Today I was going to march up to Stray Appliances, and get a job. I was sure of it, my friend Han works there and he's about the same age as me. Other places don't want to hire workers that are still in college, but I heard the CEO of Stray Appliances was only a few years older than us. It's pretty amazing that at such a young age he made one of the biggest companies around South Korea. I smiled to myself thinking about it, I was getting a job today, I'm sure of it. 

       I stood up, looking in the mirror that was across from my bed, my bed hair was no joke. I ran my fingers through it trying to unknot it, but to my displeasure it didn't help at all and it was still knotted. I let out a groan, "Just my luck" I need to get a shower today anyway, so I guess it works out. My brush was on the desk in the corner of my room, I got up and grabbed the brush then headed to the bathroom. 

         I went into the shower, washing my hair, my body, then my face. Don't judge me, my skincare routine is very important. After I was done, I dabbed my face off with the towel, then wrapped it around my hips. I went into my bedroom, going through my drawers trying to find clothes to wear for the interview. I picked out a black turtleneck, and baggy jeans. I went to my jewelry box and picked out a loose chain necklace and a few gold rings. 

    I put on the clothes and jewelry and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was still wet but I preferred it when it was damp, so by the time I get to the interview it'll be mostly dry. For right now I looked okay, but I was missing something. I did light makeup, with just the essentials, concealer, highlighter, a bit of blush, and mascara. I curled my lashes and put my hair half up, it was a whole look and in my opinion it was perfect. I grabbed my phone, looking at the time, it was only ten, so I had enough time to grab an early breakfast with Han, then I would have just enough time to go grocery shopping before I needed to go to the interview. Lucky for me the interviewer was my other friend, Seungmin, so I'd have a little bit of a better chance to get a job, but not guaranteed because he takes his job very seriously and wouldn't just give me the job because I knew him. I'll need to prove that I'm able to get the job.

         I grabbed my wallet, phone, and keys and headed out going to a low-key cafe Han and I always went to on Saturdays. I left my apartment, noticing the black nail polish on my pointer finger was starting to chip off. I just redid them Monday, they shouldn't be chipping off yet. That's annoying, but what could you do? I'm sure not repainting them again this quickly, I'll do it in a week or two. I walked down the sidewalk to the cafe that was a few blocks away, but it only took around ten minutes to get to. I pulled open the cafe door, being greeted with the familiar scent of coffee and chocolate from the cookies they had for sale on weekends. 

     I smiled to myself, going to the counter to order food and a drink, "Hey Hyunjin, how's it going?" I smiled at Jeongin, "Good, how about you?" He smiled back at me, "Good! Anyway, what could I get for ya? The usual or something different?" I thought about it for a second, "Just the usual, thank you." He nodded, putting it on the tablet in front of him. "6,500 won, want a receipt?" I nodded my head, grabbing seven thousand won from my pocket, giving it to him. He took the money, then put it into the register giving me my change with the receipt. "You can go find a seat, I'll bring it to you when it's ready." I nodded, "Thank you." I took the change and receipt and walked to the front of the cafe to the normal table me and Han sat at, it was right in front of a window, so it was perfect. The cafe door opened not even five minutes later, and Han stepped inside. He walked over to the counter, ordering his usual then came over to the table and sat down with me.

     "Hey Hyunjin, How's it going?"


First chapter! Hope you Enjoyed! 

I'll try to update this everyday, maybe every other day, I'm not sure yet, but I promise I'll finish this eventually. This will probably be a short series, but it honestly just depends on what I want to do with it. 

Have a good day/night!! Love you all! <3333

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