"You mean like the ones in your head?" Bendy said.

Beastboy sent him a death glare.

"Actually, it doesn't say who it's from" Robin said studying the crate.

"Well, one way to find out" Cyborg said opening the crate.

The Titans looked inside the crate.

"Whoa!" Cyborg said.

"Cool!" Robin said.

Starfire chuckled.

"Aw, sweet!" Penn said.

"Neat-o" Bendy said.

"Honestly, I was kinda hoping for chocolate" Beastboy said.

Cyborg reached in and pulled out a puppet that looked like him.

"Aww, isn't that cute? Puppet Cy has a light-up eye" Cyborg said.

"Yeah. They got all the details just right" Robin said looking at his own puppet.

"Speak for yourself. I'm way better looking than this. And taller" Beastboy said holding his puppet.

"This is so cool. My show never had merchandise like this" Bendy said looking over his puppet.

"Aw, neat! Mine comes with her very own pen" Penn said pulling out a tiny pen from her puppet's pocket.

"Someone certainly has a lot of time on their hands" Raven said looking at her puppet.

Starfire chuckled as she played with her puppet.

"I have never seen such a whimsical device. Hello, Starfire! Hello, tiny wooden replica of Starfire!"

The boys were playing with their puppets when Beastboy's puppet kicked Robin's puppet.

"Dude! My puppet is totally kicking your puppet's butt!" Beastboy said.

"Not for long. Wha-a-a! Hay-yay!" Robin said as his puppet pushed Beastboy's into Cyborg's.

"You want a piece of me, little man?" Cyborg said.

Robin and Beastboy were still fighting with their puppets.

"Come on. Show me what you got, Beastboy"

"I got you. I got you"

Just then Cyborg's puppet joined in the fight.

Penn was struggling to make her puppet move.

"How do I... no, that's the leg... hmm... maybe if I... No, that's not it either"

Penn looked at Bendy to see him skillfully make his puppet tap dance.

"Ok, now your just showing off" Penn said making Bendy chuckle.

"It's easy. Here, let me show you" Bendy said before showing Penn how to move the puppet.

Starfire approached Raven.

"Shall my tiny replica do battle with your tiny replica?" Starfire asked holding up her puppet.

"Knock yourself out" Raven said tossing her the puppet before walking away.

Later on that night, after the Titans went to bed, The Puppet King emerged from the crate

Starfire was asleep in her room when she woke up to a noise. Starfire shot up and gasped.

"Who is there?"

Starfire wasn't the only one who heard something. In Penn and Bendy's shared room Bendy shot up in the top Bunk.

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