My eyes widen as I instantly regret not making myself known earlier. "Shit, are you okay?" I walk over to her, starting to reach for the black-haired girls hair. "I didn't meant to scare you." Gently moving Alyssa's hand, I start checking the area she hit to make sure there wasn't a major injury.

"It's okay, I know you didn't mean it." Alyssa speaks, I can feel her gaze on me but I'm too preoccupied making sure that I didn't cause the girl I cared for to hurt herself. "How's it looking, doc?" She says, a joking shift of her voice.

I glance at her and smile at the girls humor, rubbing the girls scalp gently where she had hit it before pulling my hand away, not missing how Alyssa seemed to try and follow my touch before stopping. I tilt my head before deciding to ignore it, answering her joke from earlier.

"Looks all good to me. Seems like your hard head is good for something after all." I gasp in fake shock as the girl slaps me softly against the shoulder with the back of her hand, before starting to laugh as said girl rolls her eyes at me. "Hey, that was a good one."

"Hey that was a good one." She mocks on what I assume to be her try at my own voice which only makes me laugh louder. "Whatever Nika." She says but I can tell in her voice that she's not really upset.

I hum lightly, leaning against the counter separating us as I watch her go back to looking for the bottle, making a content she pulls out what she was looking for. I squint my eyes trying see the label. "Tequila?"

"Tequila." She confirms with a happy nod, opening up the bottle and taking a shot glass to take the shot she owed, quickly downing it.

"What would the world think to awe little ol 20 year old Knight used to shots."

"I'd tell them to fuck off and mind their own." She responds joking, glancing at me with a spark of light in her eyes. The shot having been her first of the night. When she starts to move to take the items upstairs, I stop her causing her to look my way with a confused expression.

"One second." I say, going into the living room and digging through my purse that I had brought, grabbing a long black box before making my way over to Alyssa again, making her put the bottle and glass down on the counter before handing her the gift.

"Your surprise."

Her eyes light up, remembering the bet from earlier and she works on opening the box. Her eyes start to widen as she sees a shimmer of gold peaking through. I smile softly.

"Caitlin told me she told you before you guys came over... But I'm the matching girl." I reveal with a short laugh, watching as the athlete pulls out the golden, diamond necklace. Her initial covered in small diamonds, with a second charm attached to the chain itself, a small golden circle with the girls birth date engraved on the back of it.

"Nika..." I can hear the awe in her voice, and pride swells inside my chest at the realization that I did good.

"Do you like it?"

"Like it? Nika I love it." Her fingers glide over the A before seeing the charm with her birthdate on it, her eyes starting to water as my pride quickly falls, starting to turn into work before she hugs me tightly, head buried in my neck.

"Thank you." She says, her voice so quiet as I instantly wrap my arms back around her.

"Your welcome."


Third person, one week earlier

"When she was little, before her mom passed, she used to have a gold necklace with her inital on it." Caitlin spoke to Nika as they walked in the mall, showing Nika and picture of it from when the girl was 15.

Double Trouble | Paige Bueckers & Nika Mühl X ReadersWhere stories live. Discover now