|| Chapter 14: Mimzy ||

Start from the beginning

"H-hey! Leave the girl out of it; she's got nothin' to do with us!" Mimzy yelled, attempting to try and defend (Y/N) without actually taking any action.

"We need our money, Mimzy. We lent you enough to open this bar, and you haven't repaid a single cent." He growled, pressing (Y/N)'s face into the ground a bit harder. The girl struggled but still got no result.

She couldn't speak in this matter, even if she wanted to. Stopping this event would destroy the timeline, and she was sure her presence had already changed some events. So, changing something major like this could be extremely dangerous.

"I'll get you money. I need a few more weeks." Mimzy struggled with her words, her hands fidgeting with each other. The other males in the room laughed. The boss, a name (Y/N), gave him because he was the only male ballsy enough to speak, then yanked on her hair a bit harder as if he was trying to use (Y/N) as an example.

Crap, is he going to kill her?

"We've been playing this game long enough; what is it now? A year I gave you?" He hummed, which made Mimzy tense up. "Alastor ain't here to sweet talk us into giving you more time, which is exactly why we are paying a visit."

The room fell silent. (Y/N) struggled again, and the male grumbled. Lifting her head and smacking it hard, she hissed. Her world started to spin, and she had to close her eyes.

"Hey! Listen, don't harm the girl." Mimzy spoke up again, her eyes widening as she realized (Y/N) had stopped struggling. What can I give you to make it up to you? I'll do anything; just don't hurt her, okay?"



A sickly crack is what (Y/N) hard as she slowly returned to her senses. She wasn't on the hard wooden floor anymore, but rather cold stone. She groaned, and the cracking sound stopped. Someone pulled her up by her hair; she winced, her hands immediately trying to claw at that hand.

"Look, Boss, the other is awake."

Boss? Wait, that was right. Where was Mimzy?

Her eyes shot open as she looked around the room. They weren't at the bar but in some basement. She turned her head more and froze when she spotted a chair and a woman tied to it.


The girl's dress was torn. Her body was bloody, and her head looked like it was about to fall limp. Mimzy coughed, blood slipping past her lips. A cold chill went down (Y/N)'s spine.

No, no, no, no.

She struggled, the boss yelling something, and the male holding her released her. (Y/N) rushed towards Mimzy, her legs falling out from under her. She immediately got back up and stopped right in front of the girl.

She gasped; Mimzy wasn't recognizable. Her entire face was busted or swollen. Her eyes were highly bruised. With shaking hands (Y/N) slowly reached out, pressing two fingers to her neck. A faint pulse, one that couldn't hold on for much longer. She bit her lips as she felt tears forming.

She couldn't stop this; she had no idea what it could do for their world if she did.

Yet it wasn't fair; it meant she had to watch Mimzy die. She slowly ripped apart her dress and tried to clean off her blood.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She said, her voice cracking. She was supposed to be prepared for this. Harden her heart to their deaths because she knew they would end up in hell, however. It didn't make this easy.

She had been with Mimzy for half a year, and she held them all close to her heart. They distracted her from the fact that she wasn't with her real family, and despite that, she still had a home here—one she made with their help.

She bit the inside of her cheek as she glanced at the males watching her tend to Mimzy. They were smirking; they knew as much as she did that her attempts were useless.

(Y/N) couldn't stop fate.

No, she knew this fact. It was made crystal clear, yet there was one thing she could do. One thing the males here and Alastor were confident about was doing themselves. They made taking a life seem so simple, so easy. While Alastor did it to those who deserved it, these men did it to those who failed to pay their bills. It needed to be better, especially when money was hard to come by.

They were cowards, waiting to strike only when Alastor left. She grabbed Mimzy's hand and held it. She leaned forward and whispered in her ear, parting words, goodbyes, and a promise to find a way to get her justice, as a death like this wasn't fair to her.

Mimzy died; she passed right before (Y/N)'s eyes and she still held her hand. The boss laughed, "Alright now, I can't have you running back to the bar and telling Alastor. So don't worry, you'll join your friend here."

He stepped towards her but froze.

(Y/N)'s body was Glitching. The objects around her shifted from their time, and between another time, they couldn't recognize.

Her world.

She stood up, unaware of her surrounding objects changing like they were or even her body. Even her voice seemed to be broken and terrifying. She grabbed the boss by the collar. She was consumed with rage and grief; the only thing her mind could think of was seeking revenge.

"I̴̯̲̠̮͐̓̇'̷̖͇̰̤̼̻͕̰̚͘d̶̤̝͚͙͇̭̮͉̏́͊̓͊͐́͘̚͠ ̶̢̫̗̞̩͚̖͛̀̍̅̅̄̂̔̈́͠l̷͚̈́ȉ̴̳̼͆k̸̗̱̯̙̑̌͆e̴̙͌̈͗̽̄̿̄͋̔͘ ̷̲̬̙͊̀̿̽͜t̷̢͈̘̳̹̆̀͝͠ô̶͎͗̃̄̃̓͊ ̴̡̭͈͚̫̜̘̩̹͇̀͋s̷̼̐̽̆͠ḛ̵̡̨͈̞̭̫̟̞̇̐̀̆̀̍̍͆͊e̷̲̬͖̽̈͗̿̆̔̆͑̕ ̷̨̮̮̜͔̫͎͂̄͊̍̅̇̔̈́̓ͅȳ̵̢̫̲̦͎̆̒͝o̸̡͇̜͈̗͈̲̣̮͙͂ụ̴̘̝̀̽͆̊͝ ̴͎̎̾̓͒͜t̸̨̢̞̦̞͈̝͓͂͋̆͆͝r̶̡̛y̶̧̧̥͙͖̦̳̥͎̯̿̀̐̿̎͑.̵̪̭̹͇̙̮̀̎ͅ" 

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