The Stylists (Jensi)

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 I know I probably shouldn't be surprised that I received a three. I tried to light a fire and only managed to get a tiny flame, no matter how hard I tried. I'm pretty talentless. I glance over at Biana, grinning as she talks with her friends. I'm sure she was amazing, I think. Just like she always is. I shove the thoughts from my head as I turn slightly pink. Thankfully, no one seems to notice.

In a few minutes, Effie Trinket walks back to the center of the room. She is holding a microphone, and when she speaks, her voice is played through speakers.

"Tributes! You now need to depart for your bedrooms! Your stylists will meet you there to prepare you for interviews!" she orders. I stand up and make my way to the stairs. I am almost crushed by the crowds of tributes, but I manage to climb to the top without falling, and I enter my room.

"Jensi?" A woman standing there queries.

"That's me," I inform her half-heartedly. She nods. Two men stand behind her. I assume they're my stylists.

"My name is Theopania," the woman—Theopania—introduces herself. "And these men are Ovid and Tiberius." What kind of names are those? I think, but I only smile and nod.

"And you're my stylists?" I ask, even though I already know the answer.

"Yes," Ovid replies. "And we only have an hour, so let's move along," My stylists are all dressed outrageously. I observe them as they begin to work on me; plucking, brushing, and scrubbing. Theophania seems to be in charge. She's wearing thick white powder, making her bright purple lipstick look incredibly odd. She also sports purple eyeshadow and a multicolor wig. Tiberius has eyes so covered in eyeshadow and makeup I can hardly see them. Ovid's style is slightly more reigned in. He has on thick blue, but that's pretty much it.

After who knows how long, my stylists seem to determine that it's time for my outfit. Ovid slicks back my hair while Theopania picks out a blue suit that matches my eyes. I change into it, and Tiberius hands me nice brown shoes. It seems a bit much, I think when I look in the mirror. My stylists seem incredibly pleased.

"How do you like it?" Tiberius questions. I smile at him.

"It's great," I lie. I seem to be doing a lot of that lately. 

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