Hollow Banter (Hermione)

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 "I got an eight!" I cheer, hugging Ron.

"Just had to outdo me, did you?" he says, but he smiles and hugs me back.

"A seven isn't terrible, Ron," Ginny tells him when I let go. Ron tousles her hair, and she protests.

"And what did you get?" he inquires.

"An eight." Ron's jaw drops, and Ginny and I laugh. Ron crosses his arms over his chest.

"You got an eight?!" he exclaims. "But that's higher than mine!" Ginny smirks.

"Exactly," she teases as she walks off. Harry joins us. Ron turns to him.

"Harry, everyone is getting an eight except me," he complains. "What did you get?" Harry smiles.

"An eight."

"What?!" I laugh again. It's nice to enjoy moments like these with my friends before... My face darkens. Before we all die. Harry and Ron seem to notice I'm upset about something. Ron wraps an arm around my shoulder.

"I'm going to my room," I inform them, removing Ron's arm. He frowns.

"Everything okay?" he questions.

"Yep," I lie, perfectly aware that both boys know that nothing is okay right now.

"Hermione?" Ginny calls as I pass her. "You good?"

"Sure!" I call over my shoulder. I walk up the stairs and shut myself in my room. I'm such a jerk, I think. Leaving them like that. They were just trying to help. I can't bring myself to go back down. I lean against my bed and slide to the floor, not bothering to stop the flow of tears.

A few minutes later, my door creaks open. I look up to see Harry. He sits across from me on the floor.

"Hi, Hermione," he greets me solemnly.

"I'm really sorry," I cry. "I just started thinking about the games, and...." I trail off as a flow of tears rushes from my eyes.

"Yeah, I know," Harry tells me.

"I should probably come back downstairs," I stand. Harry stands after I do, and I see the glint of tears in his eyes. I hug him tightly, continuing to sob. Once I pull away, I see Ron standing in the doorway. His arms are crossed over his chest, and he wears an unmistakable scowl.

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