Imagine: Sleeping Beauty pt 1

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This is the first part of what I discussed in the intro (takes place in the glade)

Newts POV:
The maze doors closed with a quiet bang and I breathed a sigh of relief. She's safe for tonight.

I walk over to her door and knock lightly. I hear her feet on the wood of the floor as she unlatches the lock and opens the door.

"Hey Newt! Are the doors closed? Can I come out now?"

I nod as she smiles and kisses my cheek. I grab her hand and we walk to the homestead for dinner.

Y/n. Our only girl. She is so pretty. All of the boys want her. Lucky for me, she's my girlfriend. Her smile has brightened my life ever since I pulled her out of the box.

She was cursed before she entered the maze from what W.I.C.K.E.D. told us. They sent a note saying that if she was stung by griever, she would immediately die. We now had to prohibit her from going anywhere near the glade doors. Stubborn as she was, she agreed. She knew I wouldn't be able to carry on if she died. So she agreed to stay in her room until the doors closed. Besides she gets to sleep in now.

I don't know how or why this happened I just now that I have to keep the love of my life safe.

We sit down at a table with a sweaty Minho and little Chuck. I kiss y/n's hand and stand up to grab our trays of food. I hear my girl laugh as Minho gags at the sight of our affection. God I bloody love her. I sit back down and slide her a tray of meat and potatoes and we begin to eat.

When we finish, we bring our trays back to Fry and y/n goes to take a shower. I sit outside of her shower house so she can shower without the worry of boys sneakily watching. I hear her singing, words mixing with the steady flow of water pouring over her.

"I know you I walked with you once upon a dream," she sings sweetly (see what I did there) "the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam."

I change into my boxers and y/n gets into some shorts and my hoodie. She crawls into bed next to me and I wrap her up in my arms, her back and head pressed against my bare chest. Our legs tangle together as I hear her sigh.

"I love you blondie."

"I love you too, love."

~ ~ ~ (time skip brought to you by Gally's eyebrows)

Y/n's POV:

I hear the alarm blaring through the glade as the boys ran towards the box. I watch from my window as they open the doors and Gally jumps in. I see Newt smirking at me and I smile back. Gosh he is so cute.

"Day one greenie. Rise and shine." I hear Gally say as he pulls a boy with brown hair out of the box. He sprints off toward the maze doors and I sigh. Another idiot shank again.

I see him trip and I laugh to myself. Yep dumbass confirmed. I flop back on the bed and wonder what it would be like to be free. Just be free. No maze. No curse. No locked doors. No rules. Just me and Newt against the world.

When Newt walks in, I ask him if there's anything about my curse, a message, an antidote, anything at all that could free me from my room.

He holds me to him and shakes his head sadly. I collapse into his chest and I feel his heart beating. I count the beats until I fall into a lull and Newt says he has to get back to work. He presses a soft kiss to the top of my head and walks back out to the gardens.

~ ~ ~ (time skip brought to you by Minho's hair gel)

By the time the bonfire was lit the doors were closed. I walk over to Newt who has a glass of moonshine and the new greenbean. Newt puts his arm around me as he introduces me to the greenie.

"The is y/n. The most gorgeous and only girl in the glade." My cheeks flush as a hold out a hand for him to shake.

"He's a little protective." I smile at my boyfriend and excuse myself to grab my own jar of Gally's secret recipe. Newt guides me to a log and we sit down. I rest my head on his shoulder as we watch the greenie in the fight circle. That relentless shank is getting beat the klunk out of.

I am enjoying the peaceful moment, the bonfire sparks lighting up the night, when the boy starts shucking screaming.

"Thomas! My name is Thomas!"

I look into Newt's chocolate eyes and grab his hand and run to the crowd. I push through and hug Thomas before dumping the rest of my moonshine onto his head.

Newt laughs and grabs my hand and runs to the deadheads alight by the glow of fireflies. We start to dance, the wind rustling the leaves and my gentle hum the only music. We sway as he pulls me to his chest.

"I love you so much Newtie."

"I love you too and I promise to get you out of the maze."

~  ~  ~ (turn skip brought to you by Thomas's infinite questions)

It was the next morning and Ibwas just settling in for the day with a good book. When the alarm went off. That was not supposed to happen a new greenie came yesterday. The confused voices of the gladers carried through my door. They opened the box and I could make out Newt's voice.

"It's a girl." I watched as he picked up a note and read: "she's the last one ever"

Newt turned to my window, his eyes wide.

And that's when I knew something was going to happen. Whether good or bad,we would just have to find out.

This is the first part of the story. How do you guys like it? I'm going to update as often as I can. Part 2 will be out soon. Please vote and comment!
Love ya all
- Sophie801493

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