6. back to business

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"Damn. I gotta stop missing the family dinners man." Demitri says as he sits down next to Psalm in his living room. "First the pregnancy being dropped with Kataya, you bringing yo ex... now this. At this point, you niggas need to be on a reality show...."

Psalm ignores Demitri and focuses on the television where a basketball game is wrapping up before the Lakers game is set to come on.

"Did you and Saint fight when you found out he knew?"

"Nah. He had just found out..."

"What you gone do now playa? You single again... for now at least. I got a feeling you and Morgan can work it out. Ya'll been through some shit before this."

"Yeah, it wasn't no going behind each other's back type shit though." Psalm shrugs. He was doing his best to come off as nonchalant and not being too bothered by what had gone down. But in reality, he was having a rough time coping. He'd filled all of his free time with working, spending time with Ace, and hanging with Demitri. Psalm couldn't be alone or unoccupied for too long or the thoughts would start to creep back in and he would find himself in a depressive state.

Wondering what he had done wrong to deserve such karma to happen to him when he was the happiest he had been in years. He was finally in love and getting everything he had been working toward. He'd even cut off every single woman who had come before Morgan, while actively doing his best to resist temptation. Only for him in the end to still choose the wrong woman.

"Is this the new batch of women we really gotta choose from? Bitches who will smile in your face like shit sweet while going behind your back like that?"

"I ain't gone hold you..." Demitri begins. "They ain't all bad. Shit... the woman I'm dating now she sweet ass hell. Kataya was cool. Shit, Morgan cool too she just made a mistake. You say you in love with her then try to forgive her and get yo family back. You of all people know ain't shit out here in these streets for real."

"Wasn't expecting you to be on her side."

"It ain't about sides it's about how you really feel and what yo cold ass heart is telling you that you been ignoring because you're mad. You wanna be with her and be a family with your son. You don't wanna be back in the streets and you know it."

Psalm sighs and waves Demitri off. He swipes up his cold bottle of Corona and sips quietly as his cousin's insightful words begin to marinate in his brain. Logically he knew he could probably work things out with Morgan, but in reality, he simply just did not want to.


The rhythmic beeping from the heart rate monitor helps Psalm keep a steady hand as he works to correct a torn artery in a fifty-five-year-old man. The older gentleman was rushed inside as Psalm prepared to leave for the evening. When he got the call about the patient he wasn't upset or annoyed, because at the end of the day, this is what he signed up to do and he loved it.

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